社会情勢の変化と環境意識の関連に関する研究 : ガソリン価格高騰による影響を事例に
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The aim of this paper is to address the problem regarding the relation between socioeconomic circumstances and environmental awareness among people, and toclarify some conclusions reached. Research involved a questionnaire survey concerning the remarkable jump in gasoline prices experienced in 2008, and how it influenced automobile use among consumers. Some of the findings are as follows. (1) The frequency of automobile use decreased among more than half the respondents with the sharp rise of gasoline prices. (2) The half of respondents in(1), who had decreased the frequency of use, continued to reduce their use of automobiles even after prices fell to previous rates. (3) The group that reduced use, showed signs of gaining higher environmental awareness. (4) Also, in the group of people that did not reduce use, environmental awareness increased in relation to the jump in gasoline price. (5) The ways of coping with environmental considerations differ between the group that reduced automobile use, and the group that did not reduce.
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