- 論文の詳細を見る
The three quires in The Tales of Genji –Niou, Koubai and Takekawa–serve as a linkbetween the story of Hikaru-Genji and the ten quires of Uji. Each of these three quires hasa heroine: Onna-ichinomiya of Reizei-in, Miya-no-onkata and Oigimi of Tamakazura.However, these heroines appear only in respective quires, and never appear in the tenquires of Uji. In the ten quires of Uji, daughters of Hachinomiya in Uji act as heroines,who are the princesses in the houses of Imperial princes. Then, why could Miya-no-onkata,who has the same social position as those daughters of Hachinomiya in Uji, not be aheroine?The father of Miya-no-onkata was HotaruHyobukyo, who is already dead at thebeginning of the story. Her mother, Makihashira, remarries Kobai-Dainagon with herdaughter Miya-no-onkata. Kobai-Dainagon was a young brother of Kashiwagi, and hesucceeded to the name of Fujiwara family. He has two daughters by her former wife,Kitano-Kata, and has a boy by Makihashira.One of the reasons why Miya-no-onkata couldn't be a heroine lies in her complexfamily. It is his own daughter Okimi whom Kobai-Dainagon married to the Crown Prince,to get his public influence stronger. Young men also want Kobai-Dainagon's owndaughters to inherit his power and money. In this way, Miya-noonkata is getting less andless remarkable, simply because she wasn't Kobai-Dainagon's true daughter. On the otherhand, it should be noticed that she has a brother who was born by her stepfather and hertrue mother. He probably acts as her guardian, because their mother is the same. As longas he is her guardian, she doesn't need her own husband; her life is guaranteed even if shedoesn't get married.Furthermore, Miya-no-onkata has responsibilities for two imperial families; one isthat of HotaruHyobukyo, her true father. The other is that of Shikibukyo, her greatgrandfatheron her mother's side. Shikibukyo did his best for her mother Makihashira'smarriage. Taking his words to her mother into consideration, her mother is sure to bestrongly influenced by Shikibukyo family. Therefore, Miya-no-onkata herself cannotescape from Sikibukyo family's sense of value, since she is a daughter of Makihashira.That is, Miya-no-onkata is influenced by two imperial families, and therefore she could nothelp thinking of what the imperial family should be. In those days, the daughter from theimperial family would not marry an Inperial prince, if she doesn't need to do that. It isnatural that Miya-no-onkata didn't marry anyone.Miya-no-onkata is living a happy life in the story, and her life would be kept the samefor a long time. In other words, she is not yearning for changing her life. If she doesn'twant to change her own life, she would not take an action for herself and never be thecenter of the story. Thus, she could not be a heroine of the ten quires of Uji.
- 弘徽殿大后考
- 六条院における光源氏の"私"
- 揺るがぬ姫君--朝顔姫君人物造型に関する一考察
- 宮の御方論
- 『源氏物語』に描かれる「姉妹」たち
- 落葉宮と夕霧の関わり--変化する位置と距離
- 落葉宮の結婚に関する一考察--母・一条御息所がもたらしたもの
- 落葉宮についての一考察--消えた皇女再婚問題
- 落葉宮と柏木の結婚について
- 六条院世界をみつめる眼--視る人・夕霧についての一考察
- 第一部における夕霧についての一考察--内大臣家と光源氏の関係から
- 朱雀帝の御代についての一考察
- 宇治十帖における女三宮についての一考察
- 崩壊する柏木--若菜巻における一考察
- 柏木の変貌--挫折した結婚
- 準太上天皇の結婚--第二の藤壺のゆかりがもたらしたもの
- 六条院世界の崩壊--女三宮の降嫁における朱雀院
- 光源氏と朱雀院の変貌--斎宮の入内をめぐって