- 論文の詳細を見る
I. Introduction II. The island and people III. Climate and seasons IV. Folk categories for the coastal zonations V. Folk classification for fishes VI. Fishing techniques and activities VII. Temporal and spatial orientations in fishing VIII. Fishing seasons and working diaries IX. Fishing rights X. The nutritive production from fishing XI. Prospects for the ethno-archaeological studies Appendix 1. Some comments for the folk classifications of fishes Appendix 2. Food processing Rennell island is located at the southern extremity of the Solomon Islands in Melanesia. People of this island are hardly as expert fisherman as most other Polynesians. Most fishing activities are limited to within the barrier reef or in its close vicinity. They only recognize a rough sketch of the pelagic area. Nine or ten major zones of marine exploitation across the island littoral fringes lagoon to reefs, where various traditional fishing techniques such as the use of nets, band-lines and diving have been practiced. It can be seen that the people devote a conspicuous part of their working hours to fishing, but the return in weight of food from fishing compares unfavorably with that from work in horticulture. Its supplies are kept on the minimum in spite of the nutritive value of fish with its high protein including different amino-aeids is important. The analysis of marine exploitation strategies may provide effective models on which to base a more convincincing interpretation of fishing gear and faunal remains from archaeological sites. We have to go beyond the limits of ethnographical analogy into ethnoarchaeological study.
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