- 論文の詳細を見る
In the high middle ages, various kinds of popular religious movements prevailed all over Western Europe. Their, religious piety has subjective and individual character in opposition to the objective and collective devotion which was common to the faithful of the early medieval church. Most of those popular religious movements had not been accepted by the Catholic church and so they become heresies. St. Francis of Assisi and his desciples appeared in the midst of those popular religious movements and they had also in common subjective and individual piety. But why did St. Francis and his followers remain in the Catholic church, while the other religious movements were regarded, as heresies ? The answer to this question is in this article. And in conclusions, St. Francis' intense subjective piety had strong connection with reverence for the human nature of Christ. The body of Christ has its real presence in the holy hostia reposed in the church. Therefore, St. Francis regarded the visible church as the custodian of the holy hostia and held it in great reverence. In this way, St. Francis was never expelled by the church and remained in it.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 釈尊と修道士 : バルラームとヨザファト
- 西欧中世における民衆宗教運動と言語(シンポジウム「文明語の比較社会史 : 漢文、オスマン語、中世ラテン語」,一九九二年度三田史学会大会)
- アシジの聖フランシスとカタリ派
- キリストの復活をめぐって
- 小教区制の起源(研究余滴)
- 研究余滴 伝説と史実
- 回想・神山四郎先生
- 初期フランシスコ会の教団組織について
- アシジのフランシスの聖貧理念と社会環境の関係
- Gordon Leff, Paris and Oxford Universities in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, New York・London・Sidney, 1968, pp.331(REVIEW)
- John Moorman, A History of the Franciscan Order from its Origins to the Year 1517 Oxford, 1968, pp.641(REVIEW)
- アシジの聖フランシスと宗教運動
- 初期フランシスコ会の形態に関する一考察
- フランシスコ会における党派対立の原因について
- M. D. Lambert, Franciscan Poverty, The Doctrine of the Absolute Poverty of Christ and the Apostles in the Franciscan Order, London, 1961, pp.269(REVIEW)
- 下村寅太郎著, 「アシジの聖フランシス」, 昭和四十年, 南窓社刊(批評と紹介)
- ボナヴェントゥーラのフランシスコ伝について
- ベーダ著長友栄三郎訳「イギリス教会史」
- R. B. Brooke, Early Franciscan Government from Elias to Bonaventure, Cambridge, 1959, pp.313(REVIEW)
- ベーダ「イギリス教会史」 : 長友栄三郎訳, 昭和四十年創文社刊(批評と紹介)
- Gerald Strauss, Historian in an age of Crisis : the life and work of Johannes Aventinus (1477-1534)