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序 研究史的整理I 先行文化の問題II 印文土器文化領域III 青銅器文化のかさなり (A) 揚子江・銭塘江水系領域 (B) 南シナ海沿岸領域IV ドンソン文化における戦国期青銅器文化要素V 珠江水系領域におけるドンソン文化の起源的様相結語註The archaeologists have shown the great interest toward the problem of the origin of the Dongson bronze culture, especially that, of the bronze drum, its characteristic remain. But, even now, they differ in opinion as to the date and place of the origin of this culture. The writer tries to discuss this problem in the relation to the ceramic complex which prevailed in this area before the Dongson bronze culture. The ceramics from the Dongson brouze culture sites can be devided into two different main types. Type 1: They are simple potteries and often badly baked, usually dark red. The surfaces of almost of them are covered with the impression of the strings or cord-marked. Type 2: These ceramics have the geometrical impressed patterns on the greater part of outer surface. The surface treatment is fine. The globular or cylindrical vases with flat bottom represent its principal forms. The type 1 potteries resemble to those from Da-But shellmound, Bau Tro site, Sa Huynh site in Viet Nam aud Lanma island site in South China, all of which belong to the late neolithic or neolithic culture. The type 2 potteries, closely similar to those requently found in the brick tombs and kilns, belong to the category of the Stamped-pattern pottery complex which spreads from south bank of the lower Yangtze to the Southeast Asia along the coast of the South China sea. Probably, the writer supposes, the Dongson bronze culture has an intimate relation with the Type 2 pottery or the Stamped pattern pottery complex and the origin of the Dongson bronze culture can be seeked for in the process of development of the Stamped pattern pottery complex. The Stamped pattern pottery culture in the Si-kiang delta around Canton and Tonking delta area accepted one type of the Ch'u bronze culture in Hu-Nan, the central China, in the 4 th or 3rd centuries B. C. The Ch'u bronze culture, passing over the Nan-Ling, came into contact with the Stamped pattern pottery culture in the Si-kiaug basin and extended itself to the Tonking delta. This cultural adaptation of the bronze culture to the South China seacoast aud its acculturation play the important role in the origin of the Dongson bronze culture. Therefore, the writer may conclude that the Dongson bronze culture originate in the process of expansion of the Chinese bronze culture to the south. More exactly, it is an adatped pattern of the bronze culture, not Chinese bronze culture itself.
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