体験者と非体験者の間の境界線 : 原爆被害者研究を事例に(<特集>記憶の社会学)
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特集記憶の社会学投稿論文1. はじめに2. 被爆者と非被爆者の間の境界線 (1) 増岡敏和のわだかまり (2) 2つの認識作法 : 越えがたい「溝」と「線引き」3. 体験者の特権性 (1) 「わからないでしょう,あなた方には」 (2) 特権性を成り立たせる構図 (3) 世代間関係と世代内関係4. 被爆者にいかに対峙したか : 石田忠,濱谷正晴5. おわりにThe purpose of this study is to indicate the dividing line between Hibakusha (victims of the Hiroshima or Nagasaki atomic Bonbing) and not-Hibakusha, and how the researchers who are not-Hibakusha perceived it. In the arena that Hibakusha or Hiroshima Nagasaki (the symbol of anti-nuclear weapon) is taken as an object of study or art, as the representator does a work, whether or not he or she is Hibakusha is one of the significant merkmal, and until now many people have told it as identity, and the relationship between themselves and their works, together with the theory and methodology. In this article I also analysis my own research experiences. When I had an in-depth interview with one Hibakusha (lady), her narrating let me awaked that I was not Hibakusha. This stuck me strongly, and eventually I have continued to think it and the dividing line. Here I describe it, and by referring the existent ideas for the dividing line and not-Hibakusha's perception of it, I present a new idea as hypothesis to develop this arena and advance my study.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 体験者と非体験者の間の境界線 : 原爆被害者研究を事例に(記憶の社会学)
- 現在を生きる原爆被害者 : 被爆体験を語るという実践を手がかりに
- 被爆者と対話すること : 原爆問題や被爆者の生に関する「新たな語り」の生成に向けて(オーラル・ヒストリー・フォーラム「学知と現実のはざま」)