初期ニーチェにおける陶冶論と教育論 : Bildung理解を中心として(教育哲学,<特集>教育研究の現在-教育の統合的理解を目指して-)
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特集教育研究の現在-教育の統合的理解を目指して-教育哲学投稿論文1. 序2. 古典語教育・学問準備教育への批判3. 古代ギリシアを理想とするBildung概念4. 教養と教育の関連性5. 結びOn the basis of his critical view on the educational and cultural situation in the 19th-century German nation, Nietzsche questioned what is cultured and educated. "Bildung", translated as education, culture, formation, is one of his concerns which lasted for his lifetime. Nietzsche examined the real state of the educational system of his time, to give an example, in his lectures on The Future of our Educational Institutions. He highlighted the feature of the culture in Ancient Greek in order to clarify his ideals. This paper attempts to clarify his early thought of culture and education and set it properly in the context of pedagogical history of culture.
- 初期ニーチェにおける陶冶論と教育論 : Bildung理解を中心として(教育哲学,教育研究の現在-教育の統合的理解を目指して-)
- ニーチェにおける遠近法主義のダイナミズム : ニーチェの自己形成論に関する一考察