- 論文の詳細を見る
投稿論文1. 生命論はどんな境遇にあったか2. 自然化あるいは歴史化 2.1. 目的論の歴史化 2.2. 生命力の適応度への転換 2.3. 自然かの杞憂 (1) 命題的態度 (2) 自然主義的誤謬 (3) 遺伝的誤謬3. 進化論の中での目的と生命力 3.1. 進化論的説明 3.2. 選択と遺伝的浮動 : いずれからも帰結しない決定性と確率革命の意味 3.3. 物理学との幾つかの比較 3.4. 選択結果である適応の諸相4. (非)還元性 : 情報,実現,付随 4.1. 還元の一般像 (1) 存在するものの間での還元 (2) 理論間での還元 (3) 理論と観察 (4) 言語的な還元,翻訳 4.2. 還元を困難にしているもの 4.3. 還元をスムーズに実行するための付随性 4.4. 情報はなぜ還元できないか5. 二面関係論(還元されない生物的物質の存在論のために : 適応と物理的存在)6. 最後にIf objects that are alive could be reduced to (or be explained as) objects that are made of matter, then in principle there would be no problem to understand life. But neither logical nor physical analysis didn't work well for reducing the living phenomena until C. Darwin. The theory of natural selection successfully rejected the non-physicalist theories of life, which depend on the explanans like an elan vital or an entelechy. However, different from the reductions among the physical theories, this naturalistic program is not so simple. Naturalistic explanation of biological phenomena has to overcome several problems. For instance, the two characteristics of life, the end and the vital force, have to be reduced to the results of evolutionary changes by natural selection just as Newton did in physics. On the other hand, the direct results of natural selection, that is, adaptations, have to be interpreted historically. Here we have additional new characters of scientific explanation. The evolutionary explanation is causal, but at the same time it is historical and adaptive. Organisms have adaptive properties as well as physical properties. Phenomenal properties, a subclass of the class of adaptive properties, are also explained as dispositional properties. Here adaptive properties are real, even though there are no objects except physical ones. To understand living things as the historical products, we have to use several concepts such as supervenience, multiple realizability and particularly information. And in fact during the last half of the 20th century and even now, many philosophers of biology, corroborating with biologists, have been clarifying the evolutionary properties of life by using these concepts.
- 心の哲学(5)
- 心の哲学(4)
- 名辞の理論 : 序
- 生命を自然的に捉える
- 理論と比喩--そのダイナミズムの一面 (意識・機械・自然--科学とメタファ-)
- 心の哲学(3)
- 心の哲学(2)
- 心の哲学(1)
- 「確からしさ」から「確かさ」へ
- 「性」はどのように考えられてきたか (特集 進化論から見た心と社会)
- Time's Arrow
- 拡大された人為選択--進化生物学の視点
- 遺伝モデルは古典的無知の結果か? (特集 生物学的説明)
- 意識の自然化
- 科学哲学を知るための私的な文献案内
- 因果性と時間
- 進化生物学と決定論の自然化
- 心的なものとその実現
- 心の自然主義的理解 (特集:心と脳)
- 「かたち」の示唆するもの--「形」の因果連関 (形と生きものをめぐって--形の切り拓く世界)
- 進化論を比喩から救うために(文学部創設百周年記念論文集I)
- 生物学での記号,照合,根拠付け
- 意識の問題 : 意識の自然化
- パラドックスから真理の理論へ
- 自然選択と適応
- Darwinism Defended--A Guide to the Evolution Controversies/Michael Ruse(1982)
- 合理性と進化 (合理性とは何か)