『新しい遺伝学』の家族社会学 : 家族・親族の医療化と病名告知を手がかりに(<特集>変容する社会と家族)
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特集変容する社会と家族投稿論文はじめに1. 「新しい遺伝学の社会学」の動向2. 新しい遺伝学と家族3. 「家族の医療化」による影響をどう考えるか (1) 家庭内告知の早期化 (2) ファンタジー・ボンドの医療化 (3) 完璧な子ども探し4. 遺伝病であることをどう伝えるか : 日本での「病名告知」の現状 (1) アメリカと日本での前提の違い (2) 日本での研究の契機 (2-1) どうやって伝えられたか (2-2) どうやって伝えるかおわりに : 「禁忌」の構造を考えることから始めるThe purpose of this paper is to review its brief history and to present some new perspectives for further studies in the family context. During the past two decades, the ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Implication) Program of the Human Genome Project has stimulated the sociology of new genetics. This relatively new field of sociology has discussed various topics as at-risk health status, genetic counseling, lay perspective and so on. Yet, the family context has been a neglected area though it is a major issue in late onset conditions like Huntington's disease or in cancer genetics. Kaja Finkler, one of a few advocators who discuss the family context, describes social influences by the new genetics as "medicalization of family and kinship". Based on her point of views, the author presents future research agendas in Japan and indicates "telling the truth" -explanations from physicians to the family and communication among the family- would be the first issue to discuss, showing some discourses from Japanese families with Huntington's disease.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文