マルセルの希望の哲学と医学・看護学 : 現代医療・医学における希望問題 その2
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I. はじめにII. マルセルと現代医学 II-(1) マルセルと「希望の治癒力」 II-(2) マルセルと従病 II-(3) マルセルと近親者・医師の希望III. マルセルと看護 III-1. 看護学者の「希望尺度」とマルセルIV. むすびIn this paper, the author discussed the significance of Marcel's philosophy of hope for modern medicine and nursing in the following four parts. I. Healing power of hope According to Marcel, hope can sometimes become a real factor in the cure. What kind of hope could be a factor in the cure ? The Marcel's answer to this question is "intersubjective hope". II. Hope as a patient's mental attitude toward his or her incurable disease Of various mental attitudes that patients may take toward their incurable disease, Marcel called "positive non-acceptance with patience" hope. This mental attitude is similar to some degree to "Shobyo", the living-with-disease attitude, which is emphasized by Noo-psychosomatic Medicine. III. Hope of people surrounding a patient Marcel defined surrounding people's hope for the recovery of their beloved sick person as "hope against statistic probalility". Advancing this definitoin further, I think that having this "hope against statistic probalility" is physician's virtue. IV. Marcel's philosophy of hope and nursing Mutuality, the concept of hope developed by Marcel, was introduced to two Hope Scales developed by two nursing specialists in the United States, J. F. Miller and M. H. Stoner. In a true sence, however, Malcel's concept means not only to measure patient's hope objectively but also to think about nurse's hope as their attitude. M. C. Vaillot analyzed a case in which nurse's hope resuscitated a patinet who was in a critical condition using Marcel's philosophy.
- 倫理学専攻のこれまでとこれから(文学部創設百周年記念論文集I)
- 倫理学の基本文献
- マルセルの希望の哲学と医学・看護学 : 現代医療・医学における希望問題 その2
- 動物への配慮と環境問題(第7回日本生命倫理学会年次大会 : ワークショップ総括)
- 倫理学の基本文献
- 世代間倫理のダイナミックス : D.キャラハンのとH.ヨーナスのを補完する
- のへ向けて(100集記念号)
- 現代医療・医学における希望問題 : デス・エデュケーション,ターミナル・ケア,精神神経免疫学
- 〈責任負担力としての希望〉の〈原点〉(文学部創設百周年記念論文集I)
- 「倫理徳としての希望」の可能性
- 希望のための存在論と論理学
- E.ブロッホのの宗教哲学