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I. はじめにII. ルーブル建築史におけるベルニーニと諸計画案III. ルーブル第一計画案の研究史と問題点IV. ベルニーニにおけるデコールムの概念V. 第一計画案の諸特徴とデコールムVI. 第一計画案とパラッツォ・バルベリーニVII. 第一計画案におけるベルニーニの矛盾Bernini's first project for the Louvre of Louis XIV (1664) is one of the most extraordinary palace designs in the history of Roman Baroque architecture. The unusual features in the tradition of Roman palaces include: the convex-concave curve, 'the dome without a drum,' the arcade, and the U shaped plan. Many scholars have already clarified the] visual sources and iconographic programs of these features, however the problem of why Bernini abondoned the traditional Roman palace facade and adopted these unusual features has yet to be sufficiently explained. In this paper, I have addressed this problem, focusing on Bernini's concept of decorum (decor), a classical theory concerned with form and content. I hypothesize that the unusual facade design of the first project is a result of Bernini's theory that decorum is indispensable for the expression of the grandeur of the Sun King. In the first project the east facade design is characterized by an arcade and a U shaped plan which is more similar to a villa facade or a palace court yard than to a typical palace facade. According to the theory of decorum and Roman architectural tradition, villa facade or court yard decoration was applied more freely than the principal fagade of a palace. For Bernini, who wished to give the Louvre symbolic and theatrical features which had never exsisted before, the traditional decorum for a palace fagade was insufficient, therefore he adopted another decorum program.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
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