- 論文の詳細を見る
1. 心についての決断の前に2. 現在の心身問題3. 心的内容はどのように決まるか4. 階層と付随性6. シンボルと心身問題Among many different views about mind-body relations, Anomalous Monism proposed by D. Davidson has been discussed recently by many philosophers. Through the discussions, two problems, which are characterized by the tangled struggle between naturalism and anti-naturalism, appeared to be important to consider the causal connection between mental concepts and physical properties; one is the problem of externalism, the other the problem of the ontological reduction of the mental to the physical. Externalism is thought as a sort of the mixture of naturalism and anti-naturalism and I defend some of its naturalist proposals. However, at the same time we are led to the antinaturalistic conclusion that we can not realize mental events without their mental contents. Then, helped by the results of corresponding biological research, especially the theory of evolution, emergence, supervenience, realization, reduction and their relations are considered. What I want to show is that emergence and realizability are incompatible. If this conclusion is true, there is no way to maintain the physical status of mental property. That means mental properties are causally inertia. In order to save this situation, I propose two types of interpretations, one a narrow and the other a broad type interpretation. According to one of the broad type interpretations, which are naturalistic, we can think that mental properties are causally effective to physical properties, just as phenotypes of biological organisms are causally related to their genotypes through natural selection.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 心の哲学(5)
- 心の哲学(4)
- 名辞の理論 : 序
- 生命を自然的に捉える
- 理論と比喩--そのダイナミズムの一面 (意識・機械・自然--科学とメタファ-)
- 心の哲学(3)
- 心の哲学(2)
- 心の哲学(1)
- 「確からしさ」から「確かさ」へ
- 「性」はどのように考えられてきたか (特集 進化論から見た心と社会)
- Time's Arrow
- 拡大された人為選択--進化生物学の視点
- 遺伝モデルは古典的無知の結果か? (特集 生物学的説明)
- 意識の自然化
- 科学哲学を知るための私的な文献案内
- 因果性と時間
- 進化生物学と決定論の自然化
- 心的なものとその実現
- 心の自然主義的理解 (特集:心と脳)
- 「かたち」の示唆するもの--「形」の因果連関 (形と生きものをめぐって--形の切り拓く世界)
- 進化論を比喩から救うために(文学部創設百周年記念論文集I)
- 生物学での記号,照合,根拠付け
- 意識の問題 : 意識の自然化
- パラドックスから真理の理論へ
- 自然選択と適応
- Darwinism Defended--A Guide to the Evolution Controversies/Michael Ruse(1982)
- 合理性と進化 (合理性とは何か)