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はじめにI. ミードにおける「相互行為」II. 社会的行動主義の「身振り」概念 (1) 行為者の観点からの身振りの二分化 : 身振りと音声身振り (2) 社会的行動主義の「身振り」概念III. 「身振り会話」としての相互行為 (1) 観察者の観点からの身振りの一元化 (2) 一元論的身振り会話の含意IV. まとめ : 身振りと適応という問題In order to examine the process of our interaction with others, G. H, Mead's theory of interaction or "a conversation of gestures" is investigated. First, how Mead describes the process of interaction and how he defines and uses the term are examined. According to him, the process of interaction can be described as a conversation of gestures. Then, what is a conversation of gestures? To answer this question, the concept of "gesture" and the distinction between "(non-vocal) gesture" and "vocal gesture" are studied. Mead's definition of "gesture", its social behavioristic implications, and the function of gestures as mutual adjustment are presented. It is discussed that the distinction between those two kinds of gestures is not in their vocality, as explained by Mead himself, but in their "simultaneous-reflexivity" from the standpoint of the actor, and that, in spite of this distinction, each gesture that mediates a conversation is a united whole including both vocal (simultaneously-reflexive) part and non-vocal (non-simultaneously-reflexive) part as observed from the standpoint of others. Finally, the implications of the conception of interaction as a conversation of gestures are discussed, and further themes concerning this conversation, gestures and our process of adjustment are offered for future studies in our social interaction.
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