名辞の理論 : 序
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0. 導入 固有名辞の理論の展開の概略1. 第一段階 Fregeの固有名辞論 表現構造論的観点 意味論的観点 Fregeと自然言語に於ける固有名辞 Fregeの固有名辞の理論的帰結 Russellの固有名辞理論 固有名辞の条件と機能 隠された固有名辞 記述名辞と言語 記述理論の認識論的基盤 個別的言語2. 第二段階 使用と指示 固有名辞の情報性 同定記述原理(principle of identiyfing description) 固有名辞の前提理論 結論3. 第三段階 記述説批判 論理的背果 因果説の内容This article is a prelude toward Philosophy of Names. Name is one of the most crucial notions in the construction of logical systems, as we see it in the deep difference between Frege-Russell type quantification theory and Lesniewski's ontology, as well as for the philosphy of language. In this article, the authors have taken out one outstanding line of theory of proper name which has developed in close connection of symbolic logic with philosophy of language. Three stages are here distinguished : 1) Frege-Russell, 2) Strawson-Searle, 3) Donnellan-Kripke. In explaining the first stage, the difference between the languages of the, two authors is accentuated, for sometimes, they are treated together as if their theories were almost the same. The second stage is explained from the point of the theory of Presupposition, and the authors tried to make explicit how the notion of "proper name" should appear if we take this point of view. We do not think that this theory is completely true, but not completely false, either. This theory has some point. The third stage is strongly and essentially connected with the modal logics and their so-called Kripke-model structures, and an explanation of causal theory of names is given using the notion of Kripke-model structures. The authors have described the theories as they stand, for it is needed, tiresome as it is, in order to develop further the theory of names from our standpoint of view.
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