- 論文の詳細を見る
Many kinds of methods for pattern recognition, such as the Hough T., have been developed. These methods can judge of the given figures with high reliability, but need a deal of processing cost, i.e. time and tools. The cost prevents the methods from being widely used. Characters, symbols and so on that my be written on the actual drawings but are not the objects to be detected cause the intolerable increase in the cost. A handy manner to select the objects out of others is desired. This paper deals with the detection of quadratic curves by the segments analysis manner named "Segment Pair Matching method (SPM)" which is proposed as an answer to the above mentioned problem. The principle of SPM is finding a pair of segments which lie on the curve by using matching conditions. Formulation of the conditions for the general quadratic curves is mainly discussed and some useful formulas are newly obtained.
- 福山大学の論文
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