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As is well-known, the noise evaluation index, Leq, is very important in the actual field of noise evaluation and regulation problems. On the other hand, an extraction of the lower and/or higher order statistical information has become easier by use of a digital computer. Therefore, as an application of noise evaluation method with the aid of a microcomputer, the authors propose a method for estimating this Leq evaluation index based on the- momentary statistic value of the noise level fluctuation. Furthermore, the environmental noises which one encounters in daily life exhibit various types of probability distribution forms apart from a standard Gaussian distribution, due to the diversified causes of fluctuation. From the above practical points of view, in this .treatise, a general explicit expression for estimating the Leq evaluation index by use of the momentary statistic value of the general types of noise level fluctuations (including non-Gaussian distribution) has been proposed after introducing a general explicit expression of the noise level probability distribution. Finally, the validity the proposed estimation method has been experimentally confirmed by applying it to actual road traffic noise data.
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