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Production of experimental mandibular osteomyelitis, clinical presentation of 9 cases of mandibular osteomyelitis, studies on the concentration of antimicrobial agents in the mandibular bone marrow, and results of quantitative analysis of alkaline phosphatase activity in the mandibular bone marrow of patients with mandibular osteomyelitis are presented. 1. New Zealand white rabbits infected most effectively by injection of sodium morrhuate and 10^8 colony-forming units of Str. pyogenes S-8 into the marrow cavity of the mandible. 2. Clinical, radiographic, and histo-pathologic findings were given for 9 cases of chronic mandibular osteomyelitis. The results were separated into 2 types. One type involved clear sequestral formation ; the other, non-sequestral formation. The former did not appear to recur after sequestrectomy, whereas the latter appeared frequently after the operation. Concerning histo-pathogenic findings, the former type had bone necrosis and the presence of bacterial mass and neutrophilic leukocytes. On the other hand, the latter displayed degeneration and necrosis of bone with healing lesions in the same bone. 3. Concentration of antimicrobial agents in dog and rabbit mandibular bone marrow: Piperacillin, Cefazolin, and Cefoperazone in the mandibular bone marrow reached 10-30% of serum levels. Lincomycin showed 30% ; Dibekacin, about 10%; and Minocycline, 1%. 4. Concentration of antimicrobial agents in human mandibular bone marrow : Ratio of tissue level/serum level were 0.10-0.19 for Piperacillin, 0.28 for Cefazolin, 0.06-0.10 for Cefoperazone, and 0.09-2.23 for Lincomycin. In the sequestral bone, the values were 0.11 for Cefazolin, 0.05-0.29 for Cefoperazone, and 0.06 for Lincomycin. 5. Alkaline phosphatase activity in the sequestral bone of 10 patients with chronic mandibular osteomyelitis cases was investigated. The enzyme activity was undetectable in the case of clear sequestral formation and 18.39 u/g for the severe non-healing type. Alkaline phosphatase activity in chronic mandibular osteomyelitis was shown to vary, depending on the degree of osteolith formation; it was high in the case of welldeveloped osteolith, and low in the case of clear sequestral formation.
- 神戸大学の論文
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