- 論文の詳細を見る
Among various associations formed by the population of the Roman Empire, were ones with funeral activities as their primary purpose Th Mommsen m the mid 19th century maintained that such associations (collegia funeraticia) were made by the poor and recognized by a senatorial decree en bloc His theory is based on interpretation of a passage of Marcianus (in the early 3rd century) which reports that tenuiores were permitted to contribute monthly dues to collegia(Dig 47 22 1), and of a senatorial decree cited in an inscription of an association of cultores Dianae et Antinoi found in Lanuvium(CIL xiv 2112, AD 136) Mommsen's theory was accepted by most scholars until in 1982 it was criticized thoroughly by Ausbuttel He maintained that tenuiores in the passage of Marcianus are to be taken as common (die einfache) not necessarily poor people, and that the senatorial decree in CIL xiv 2112 recognized that collegium of cultores specifically, not all collegia funeraticia generally Moreover he denied the very category of collegia funeraticia The author examines the sources and concludes as follows Ausbuttel's interpretations of tenuiores is right, and there existed no legal category of collegia tenuiorum In the sole example of this term in Roman legal sources (Dig 47 22 3 2), it means merely "associations of common people" Ausbuttel's integration of the Lanuvium inscription, based on its revision by Gordon, cannot be accepted without reservations, but his conclusion itself is right the collegia funeraticia did not exist as a legal category We can, however, use this term to characterize a group of collegia whose main activity was care for their members' burials Members of these collegia were not so needy, if not wealthy, judging from the charges enumerated in the Lanuvium inscription (admission fee, dues, and burden for banquets) When a member died, the collegia provided the cost of funeral and burial from their funds, and other members attended the ceremonies A decent funeral was no doubt one of the strongest motives for entering these collegia However other activities, such as the cult and festivals of their guardian gods, and social banquets were no less important The construction and activities of funeral clubs, as we have seen, cannot be clearly distinguished from those of religious and professional associations Many professional associations were concerned with funeral activities in some way, and had their guardian gods maintaining temples or altars, and religious associations were evidently similar Furthermore banquets seem to have been important events to most Roman associations Collegia in the Roman Empire were voluntary associations centered around religious activities (including funerals) and sociability It would aid our understanding of contemporary social organization if we could better understand the social ties of their members
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