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This paper deals with the morphological problem of words in -συνη (-συνο&b.sigmav;) and with the etymology of this suffix. The words specifically treated are παλαισμοσυνη, δρησμοσυνη, ιπποσυνη, δεσποσυνο&b.sigmav;, χρημοσυνη, χρημοσυνη, χρησμοσυνη (Hdt.), ιερωσυνηφη, μοσυνη, βασκοσυνη etc. According to Porzig: Satzinhalte p. 223, παλαισμοσυνη is derived directly from παλαιω. The author cannot, however, approve of his statement, but thinks that παλαισμο-συνη is derived from παλαισμα in disregard of the -ατ- stem form (cf. δρηστ-οσυνη: δρηστ-ηρ [or-η&b.sigmav;], βασιλ-ικο&b.sigmav;: βασιλευ&b.sigmav;). (Let the author mention in passing that he doubts the derivational-etymological relation between παλαιω and Παλαιμων [against Frisk: GEW s. v. παλαιω] and suggests that Pindar formed παλαιμονειν from Παλαιμων [not "vom unbelegten Appellativ"] by folk-etymologically connecting this with παλαιω [cf. the relation between Μελικερτη&b.sigmav;-Παλαιμων and the Isthmian games]). Generally speaking, Porzig [Satzinhalte] and Wyss (Die Worter auf -συνη] appear to think that words in -συνη (true if not in all cases) are bound to be derived from "Grundworter" in -ν- stems and suppose or suggest that the "Grund worter" of some of the above-mentioned words are *παλαι(σ) μων, δρησμων, *φημων, *χρημων etc. But these suppositions of suggestions are absolutely unnecessary. According to the present author, the "Grundworter" are *δρησμα (cf. Hesych. δρασματων, though the meaning given by the glossarist is the very opposite of *δρησμα [δρησμοσυνη]) , OR (or φημα Hesych.) (φημοσυνη is not a "befremdliche Bildung [Wyss: Worter p. 64, cf. Schwyzer: Gr. Gr. I p. 529 φημοσυναν(!)]), χρημη etc. ιπποσυνη is not derived from ιπποτη&b.sigmav; and the parallel relation between ιπποσυνη (:ιπποτη&b.sigmav;) and δεσποσυνη (:δεσποτη&b.sigmav;) is rejected, in spite of some influential scholars' opinions (e. g. v. Schwyzer: Gr. Gr. I p. 529). The generally accepted theory (ιερωσυνη<*ιερηφοσυνη) is somewhat doubted. Wyss: Worter p. 49 suggests that χρησμοσυνη (Hdt. IX 33) is derived from *χρησμων and that it means <<die Orakelerteilung>>. But this χρησμοσυνη can hardly be so, judging from the context. Even if it means <<oracle>> or something like that, the derivation *χρησμων is not necessary. The author accepts the meaning <<request>> (v. Powell: Lex. to Hdt. s. v.) and suggests the derivation *χρησμα or *χρησμα (cf. χραομαι, χρηζω). On βασκοσυνη (or *βασκοσυνη? cf. Schwyzer: Gr. Gr. I, p. 263) it is suggested that *βασκ-α-(νο)συνη was changed to βασκ-ο- under the influence of other words in -ο-συνη. It may here be remarked incidentally that Frisk: GEW s. v. βασκανο&b.sigmav; accepts and quotes "Schwyzer 263", altering this for the worse. "Haplologisch fur βασκ(αν)οσυνη" is against the description of Schwyzer: Gr. Gr. I, p. 262 and is not parallel with the other example ib. p. 263. The suffix -συνη is generally connected with Vedic -tvana-. Of the Vedic words in -tvana-, vrsa-tysna-(:vrsan-) and martya-tvana-(:martya-) respectively bear a close resemblance to (e. g.) τεκτο-συνη and(e. g.)δουλο-συνη in the stem form before the suffix. But vrsa-tvana- and martya-tvana- are very likely to have been formed in Vedic (cf. Hopkins: JAOS 17, p. 37 and p. 46). The stem form of all other examples is -i- (five examples, e.g. mahi-tvana-) or -u-(one example, i. e. vasu-tvana-). Apart from such differences, the theory equating -ουνη with -tvana- is based on the improbable assumption that -*τυ- changed to -συ- in Greek sporadically with the result that the precise conditions are uncertain. The examples Schwyzer: Gr. Gr. I, p. 272 gives are along with this suffix, ημισυ&b.sigmav;, πισυρων, πισυρων, οισυη, αισμνητη&b.sigmav; (<αιτυ- ?). Note the difference between this suffix and the other examples (except in this suffix, -συ- is preceded by -ι-); furthermore, along with ημισυ&b.sigmav;, πισυρων, οισυη there exist ημισσον, πεσσερε&b.sigmav; (πεσσυρε&b.sigmav;), οισο&b.sigmav; (αισυμνητη&b.sigmav; is very doubtful). Buck-Petersen: Reverse Index p. 262 says that γηθοσυνο&b.sigmav;, the only abjective in -οσυνο&b.sigmav; in Homer, is comparable with θαρσυνο&b.sigmav; and πισυνο&b.sigmav; in meaning and syntax (an excellent remark !), and that -ο- in -ο-συνο&b.sigmav; derives its origin from the older fem. γηθοσυνη (they also admit that -συνη is best connected with Vedic -tvana-. v. ib. p. 289). The present author thinks that -οσυνη originates in γηθοσυνο&b.sigmav; formed by anology to θαρσυνο&b.sigmav; and πισυνο&b.sigmav; (the same opinion as Wyss in this point), and that -ο- in -ο-συνο&b.sigmav; is traceable to γηθο&b.sigmav;, though not attested in Homer (Wyss does not account for the origin of -ο-) . When the -ε/ο[σ]- stem is expanded by another suffix, usually -ε(σ)- (not -ο[σ]-) is used. But the present author would like to point out that γηθοσυνο&b.sigmav; has the look of a compound word and thinks that this -ο- is of similar kind to -ο- in ειρ-ο-κομο&b.sigmav;, σκυτ-ο-ομο&b.sigmav;, επο-ποιο&b.sigmav;, τειχ-ο-μαχια etc. (cf. Schulze: Kl. Schr. p. 363, Schwyzer: Gr. Gr. I, p. 440).
- 1968-03-30
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