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日本西洋古典学会 | 論文
- STRAUSS, BARRY S., Athens after the Peloponnesian War. Class, Faction and Policy, 403-386 B. C., Pp.xiii+191, Croom Helm, London & Sydney, 1986., £19.95.
- クセルクセスの遠征軍の規模
- FURLEY, D., The Greek Cosmologists, Vol.1 : The Formation of the Atomic Theory and its Earliest Critics., Pp.viii+220, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1987., £25.
- SWEENY, Leo, Infinity in the Presocratics. A Bibliographical and Philosophical Study., Pp. xxxiii+222, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1972.
- COLE, Th., Demoeritus and the Sources of Greek Anthropology. (Philological Monographs, XXV.), Pp. xii+225 S., Ohio, Western Reserve Univ. Press, 1967, $ 6.50