米国中等学校家庭科におけるキャリア教育の授業実践 : オハイオ州、ミネソタ州、ウィスコンシン州の実地調査をもとに
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This paper attempted to examine the contents, methods and assessment of Career Education in Family and Consumer Sciences in the USA. The author found two characteristics of Career Education in Family and Consumer Sciences; (1)understanding of the relations among family, community and career and performance of multiple roles and (2)understanding and preparation of occupations related to Family and Consumer Sciences. In the middle school, it was aimed at nurturing the abilities of self-understanding, human relations, decision making and information gathering and processing. In the high school, it was especially aimed at nurturing the abilities of life career planning through the program of work experiences. In the career center, it was focused on the specific occupations and nurturing the abilities needed to them. Cooperative education was incorporated into the classroom teaching and portforio was adopted as the assessment methods. The programs of teaching remain to be developed and practiced from the view point of career guidance and sogo-gakusyu.
- 2001-03-31