理科系大学1年生の大学選択動機と入学後の適応について : 就業動機志向による比較
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The current study investigated differences based on vocational motivation upon motive to enter university and adaptation after matriculation, and the effects of motive to enter a university on adaptation after matriculation. Subjects of 202 science department male freshmen were classified into three vocational motivation groups (self-improvement motivation, interpersonal motivation, and status motivation), and the scale scores of each group were compared. Results showed first that selfimprovement and interpersonally oriented students regarded university's attributions as important when they choose a university as compared to status oriented students, and self-improvement oriented students had made a significant progress in acquiring social skills. Second, hierarchical regression analysis using study and associate satisfaction as dependent variables, along with motives to enter university as first step and acquired ability as second step, were performed. The result showed that choosing a university according to the university's attributions and the acquisition of special expertise had a positive influence on study satisfaction, while attaching importance to academic ability and acquisition of technical ability had negative effects on associate satisfaction.
- 1999-11-01
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