12. アブシジン酸培地で培養したコムギ培養細胞の凍結障害の特徴(平成7年度第41回低温生物工学会研究報告)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The mechanism of freezing injury in wheat (Triticum monococcum L.) cells cultured on medium containing abscisic acid (ABA) was investigated. Cells which had fully developed freezing resistance on ABA-medium showed a higher rate of TTC (triphenyltetrazolium chloride) reduction than that of non-frozen control cells when frozen to lethal freezing temperatures. However, this increase in TTC reduction diminished when frozen-thawed cells were incubated at 25℃ for 48 hr, suggesting that the process of freezing injury further advances during the incubation after thawing. A very similar increment of TTC reduction was observed in ABA-cultured cells even when the cells were treated for a short time with ethanol or detergents such as Triton X-100. In ABA-cultured cells, in contrast to 2,4-D-cultured cells, a relatively higher rate of O_2-consumption of cells was maintained and a rapid influx of TTC into cells was observed after freeze-thawing or after treatment with ethanol or detergents. Therefore, these are considered to be the cause of the incremental response of TTC reduction in ABA-cultured cells after freeze-thawing, and it is suggested that some structural changes in the plasma membrane occur during freeze-thawing at lethal freezing temperatures.
- 低温生物工学会の論文
- 1995-12-28
- 14. 植物培養細胞・組織の常温ガラス化(第49回低温生物工学会研究報告)
- 2Ba11 ゼニゴケプロトプラストの培養過程にみられる脱水ストレス耐性の変動と細胞の変化
- 3D-3 プロトプラストの液体窒素中での生存
- 1B-21 キクイモ塊茎カルスのCold Acclimation. I. : 耐凍性を効果的に高める培養条件
- 植物培養細胞の耐凍性増大過程 I : キクイモ塊茎カルスの耐凍牲増大に及ぼす2,4-Dの効果
- 2B-14 植物培養細胞の凍結傷害 (2)
- 植物培養細胞の凍結融解後の生存に及ぼすCa+^+^の効果
- 1D-1 植物培養細胞の凍結融解(II)
- 植物液体培養細胞の液体窒素中における生存
- 1B-17 植物培養細胞の凍結融解後の生存