- 論文の詳細を見る
Difructose anhydride III (DFA III) is a nondigestible oligosaccharide that exists in caramels and roasted chicory in trace amounts. DFA III is manufactured from inulin, an extract from root chicory, through microbial fermentation. The present study describes a generation of DFA III and its content determined in hydrothermal extracts of roasted garlic using an HPLC analysis with three types of columns. The optimal roasting period and temperature for DFA III production were then examined. The contents of DFA III in the roasted garlic extracts increased with the treatment processing time and reached about 860 μg/g in fresh content (W/W) when treated for 60 minutes. The optimal treatment temperature was 200℃; the DFA III content decreased at temperatures higher than 200℃. The production of DFAIII in hydrothermal extracts of several roasted foodstuffs (on the market vegetables, fruits and plant extracts) under the above-mentioned optimal conditions (200℃, 60 minutes) was also examined. Extracts of roasted asteraceous and liliaceous vegetables contained DFA III at concentrations of up to 10% in inulin-rich parts like the roots, bulbs and receptacles. Hydrothermal extracts of roasted fruits also contained small quantities of DFA III, with fructose-rich fruits containing more DFA III than fructose-poor fruits. To investigate the mechanisms of DFA III production, the extracts of two types of inulin caramels with different fructose polymer chain lengths and of fructose caramel were examined. Small amounts of DFA III were present in fructose caramel. On the other hand, DFA III content in inulin caramel with long-chain fructose polymers was higher than that in those with short chains. These results suggest that fructose and fructose polymer chains of inulin play a role in DFA III formation mechanism during high thermal treatment and dehydration.
- 日本食品化学学会の論文
- 2007-08-31
菊地 裕人
加藤 千尋
菊地 裕人
日本甜菜製糖 総研
菊地 裕人
富田 響子
有塚 勉
富 裕孝
有塚 勉
富田 響子
有塚 勉
日本甜菜製糖 総研
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- 252 微生物による砂糖からのDFA IV生産 : その2 精製・物性
- 251 微生物による砂糖からのDFA IV生産 : その1 製造法
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- 232 思春期・成人アトピー性皮膚炎(AD)患者に対するメリビオースの臨床効果(続報)
- ロースト処理による食品素材からのDFAIII生成に関する研究
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- チコリーからイヌリン,そしてDFA3へ
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- 去勢牛に経口投与したベタインの十二指腸内容物中における消長
- Da-1 ビート廃糖蜜中のオリゴ糖類に関する研究(糖質の合成・生産,一般講演,日本応用糖質科学会平成25年度大会(第62回))