- 論文の詳細を見る
Caramel color, a food additive which is widely used as a food color for beverages, seasonings, confectionery and many food products, is obtained by heat-treating food-grade carbohydrates including starch hydrolysates, molasses, or saccharides. Caramel color is classified into Caramel I, Caramel II, Caramel III and Caramel IV according to each manufacturing method. As part of a series of studies to evaluate the safety of caramel color A, which is made from the raw materials containing molasses and is classified into Caramel I, repeated dose oral administration at dosage levels of 0.5, 1, and 2 mL/kg was conducted to 5 Crj: CD (SD) IGS strain rats of each sex for 28 consecutive days, and its toxicity was examined. The control group was treated with water for injection alone. 1. Neither death nor abnormal signs were noted in either sex of any group. No effects of caramel color A were disclosed in either sex by body weight measurement, food consumption measurement, urinalysis, ophthalmological examination, hematological examination, blood chemical analysis, necropsy, organ weight measurement, or histopathological examination. 2. The non-toxic dose of caramel color A is estimated at 2 mL/kg (2.66 g/kg, sp.gr. 1.33) or higher in both sexes of animals under the conditions of the present study.
- 日本食品化学学会の論文
- 2000-04-30
木村 均
名城大学 薬・薬理
長瀬 孝彦
岡田 雅昭
木村 均
太田 隆雄
株式会社日本バイオリサーチセンター 試験管理部
張替 泰
瀧本 寛
土肥 貞夫
波多 真一郎
近藤 準之助
内藤 一嘉
岡田 正昭
Nihon Bioresearch Inc.
木村 均
株式会社日本バイオリサーチセンター 試験管理部
木村 均
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