- 論文の詳細を見る
The Neo-Platonism having its origin in the Indian Atman philosophy brings the latent tendency of de incongruo systematization into the scholastic research field. Such an identity-philosophical tendency which insists on the necessary development of one to many, of the absolute to the relative, promotes the dechristianization of philosophy in modern age; and through that self-consciousness in Cartesian and Kantian theories it was accentuated to the German idealism. In scholastic theory of abstraction the same idea consolidated the claim on the identity between intelligere in actu (subject) and intelligibile in actu (object). However, we can distinguish subject and object even when both are in act-state, by introducing a distinction of actus primus and actus secundus: actus primus, the form, perfection of natura of intellectus agens on one hand, actus secundus, the form, perfection of operation of the same intellectus agens on the other hand, provided that the latter be realized only by its acceptance of object-form (intelligibile) in act-state and in this case the same intellect changes its character and becomes intellectus patiens. The object does not come out as necessary product from subject; on the contrary subject itself must be perfected by the otherness of object (thing in itself or thouness). By employing the distinction of actus primus and actus secundus, natura and habitus etc., which is proper to Scholasticism, we can keep a sure step along christianization of philosophy, apart from the identity-philosophical argument favoring subjective ego too much.
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