聖トマス・アキィナス著 : 真理と虚偽に就いて(神学大全第十六、七論題)
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真理に就いて(第十六論題) 第一章 真理は智性の裡にのみ存在するや否や 第二章 真理は綜合的,分析的智性の裡にのみ存在するや否や 第三章 真なるものは存在と置換されるや否や。 第四章 善は論理的に真なるものよりも先きなりや否や。 第五章 神は真理であるや否や。 第六章 それによってすべてのものが真となる唯一の真理が存在するや否や。 第七章 被造的真理は永遠なりや否や。 第八章 真理は普遍なりや否や。虚偽に就いて(第十七論題) 第一章 虚偽は事物の裡に存在するや否や。 第二章 虚偽は感覚の裡に存在するや否や。 第三章 虚偽は智性の裡に存在するや否や。 第四章 真なるものと虚偽なるものは矛盾するや否や。あとがきThis is the translation of the "DE VERITATE" and the "DE FALSITAS" in the Summa Theologica by St Thomas, Firstly, in these two "Quaestiones", St Thomas gives us the philosophical and ontological definitions about the truth and the falsehood, and also he shows the difference between the "Veritas rei" and the "Veritas intellect", ie, "Truth in things" and "Truth in judgement". At a glance, it seems strange for us to find these "Quaestiones" in his theologia, not in Ontologia. But his Theologia is really his unique Ontologia, therefore he treats about these problems from the ontological point of view. Secondly, we can find out the essence of the philosophy of St Thomas in the later chapters of these "Quaestiones", i. e, the "Intellectualism of St, Thomas". We can describe his definitions of the truth and the falsehcod as follows; "Veritas princlpialiter est in intellectu, secudario in rebus, in online ad intellectum, a quo dependet". "Veritas est adaequatio rei et intellectus" "…… ubi primo est veritas, ibi primo falsitas; ergo falsitas eat in intellectu, et non in rebus nisi in online ad intellectum, ・・・・・・ ergo falsitas secundum quid rei consistit in difformitate ad intellectum per accidens; ergo a quo dependet". Of course, his epistemology is different from the modern ones developed since Renaissance, but we must deeply appreciate his interpretation of the ontological truth and the false-hood, though it clothed the medieval colours.
- 聖トマス・アキィナス著 : 真理と虚偽に就いて(神学大全第十六、七論題)
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