- 論文の詳細を見る
A facility for housing clean laboratory animals should be designed so that it can be maintained at the desired level of environmental control. There are many factors which must be controlled in the animal facilities, such as temperature, humidity, ventilation, light, noise and microorganisms. Especially the freedom from unwanted microorganisms is thought to be the most important of all factors. The facility must also be practical to operate and be constructed at reasonable cost. In this report, there is stated a way of thinking in order to lay out profitable facilities for each experimental purpose. The way of thinking is based on five main points; two of them are relating to the animals, three of them are to the facilities. The main points are further classified into sixteen details. 1) Laboratory animal species; they are classified into three groups, (1) small size, (2) middle size, (3) large size. 2) Quality of laboratory animals; qualification is done from the point of view of microbiology, (4) conventional, (5) SPF (or freedom from unwanted microorganisms), and (6) germ free animals (or gnotobiotes). 3) Facilities for housing laboratory animals : a) They are classified into four types according to Dr. A.M. Jonas' opinion, (7) one corridor, (8) two corridors, (9) three corridors, (10) three types of applications. b) They are classified into two kinds from the point of view of utilization, (11) profitable for animal production and (12) profitable for animal maintenance for experiments. The latter is further classified into two types, (13) profitable for long term experiments and (14) profitable for short term experiments. c) They are also classified into two types from the point of view of characteristics of experiments, (15) negative air pressure animal-room type and (16) positive air pressure animal-room type. The former is profitable for rearing pathogen infected animals and the latter is profitable for SPF animal breeding.
- 千葉大学の論文
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- タイトル無し
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