- 論文の詳細を見る
Measurement of the resting membrane potential of muscle fiber as the basis of muscular action potential is expedient for analyzing the function of individual component of skeletal muscle fibers. Since Ling and Gerard (1949) devised the microelectrode method, it has been used mainly in the field of fundamental medicine, but seldom in the clinical field. The author attempted to apply this method to the human skeletal muscle fibers to investigate their physiological and pathological conditions. By some improvement of the microelectrode technique for clinical application the resting membrane potentials of human skeletal muscle fibers were measured "in situ" and the following results were obtained. 1. The mean value of the normal cases was -82.4±10.8mV. The potential was higher in the lower extremities than in the upper limbs. The age and the temperature of muscle caused no significant difference in the potentials. 2. Examination of the resting membrane potentials of muscles of myogenic diseases. The mean value of the resting membrane potentials of muscles of progressive muscular dystrophies was abnormally as low as -25.5±13.6 mV., which seemed to be correlated to the progress of atrophy of the muscle fibers. The potentials and the muscle power showed parallelism. Lowering of intracellular potassium concentration and decrease of protein synthesizing ability were observed biochemically. Such a disturbance of metabolism was also assumed to be a cause of the low potentials. The mean value of the resting membrane potentials in disuse muscle atrophies was -59.1±5.7 mV., and decreased as the years of disease proceeded until the lowest value of -50mV. was reached, but not so far as in the case of progressive muscular dystrophies which showed the abnormally low potentials. 3. Examination of the resting membrane potentials of muscles of neurogenic diseases. The mean value of the resting membrane potentials of muscles in spinal injuries was -34.6±7.6mV. in tibialis anterior muscles. The value of the potential showed a good correlation with the remainder of spinal reflex function, namely, with the H reflex irrespective of the lapse of years and the level of spinal lesion. The mean value of the resting membrane potentials of peripheral nerve lesions was -45.6±9.3mV. and there was a tendency that cases with good prognosis showed high potentials. The stages of muscle fiber atrophy in several kinds of muscle diseases could be differentiated according to the resting membrane potential values of the tested muscle fiber. It was concluded that resting potential decreased in the following order: normal muscle, muscles of disuse atrphy, muscles of peripheral nerve lesions, muscles of spinal injury and muscles of progressive muscular distrophy.
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