大動脈粥状硬化症と内分泌腺 : ことに甲状腺変化との関係
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1. In order to study the relationship between atherosclerosis and endocrine glands especially the changes in the thyroids, pathohistological examination was carried out in the aorta (ascending, descending and abdominal portion), thyroid and parotid gland in 95 autopsy cases. 2. The thyroid changes according to age are as follows: In the second decade, approximately 2/3 of the thyroid follicles consists of small follicles, small follicles decreased in number in advancing age. After the seventh decade, giant follicles are mixed so that the variability of the follicles became conspicuous. In the follicles of similar size in various age groups, the morphology of the epithelium varies. While the follicular epithelium shows cuboidal form in more than half of the follicles, follicles with flat epithelium increase with advancing age. 3. Upon investigation of aortic atherosclerosis in different age groups, 2 of 7 cases already showed atherosclerosis in the third decade in males. In the 4th decade, it was seen in 1 of 5. A rapid increase was seen after the 5th decade, 5 of 10 cases showing atherosclerosis. Until this age, the degree of atherosclerosis is generally relatively mild. In the 6th decade, 12 of 16 showed moderate atherosclerosis, 13 or 15 in the 7th decade, and 13 of 14 in the 8th decade showed similar change. The changes were almost similar in females. Atherosclerosis was seen in 1 of 4 cases in the third decade, 2 of 5 cases in the 4th and 5th decade, 3 of 4 cases in the 6th decade,6 of 8 in the 7th and 5 all in the 8th decade. However, in each age group, cases without atherosclerotic necrosis were included. The degree was also variable even in cases with atherosclerotic nerosis. 4. When the relationship between thyroid change and atherosclerotic necrosis was studied, an intimate relationship was demonstrated above the 5th decade both in males and females.In males at the 5th decade, no atherosclerotic necrosis was found in 2 cases with mild thyroid change (I), but slight atherosclerotic necrosis was found in 1 of 2 cases with moderate thyroid change (II), and in 3 of 6 cases with advanced thyroid change (III). In the female, no atherosclerotic necrosis was found in 2 cases of moderate thyroid change (II), and 1 case of advanced thyroid change (III) showed slight picture of sclerosis. In males in the 6th decade, 1 case with mild thyroid change showed mild atherosclerotic necrosis, while 5 of 8 cases with moderate thyroid change and all of the 7 cases of advanced thyroid change (III) showed slight to moderate atherosclerotic necrosis. In females, similar sclerosis was noted in 1 of 2 cases of moderate thyroid change (II) and all of 2 cases of severe thyroid change (III). In the 7th decade, no atherosclerotic necrosis was seen in 1 male with mild thyroid change (I), but slight atherosclerotic necrosis was seen in all of the 5 cases of moderate thyroid change (II) and severe atherosclerotic necrosis was seen in 8 of 9 cases of severe thyroid change (III). In females, moderate to advanced atherosclerosis was seen in 3 of 5 cases of moderate thyroid change (II), and all of 3 cases of severe thyroid change (III). After the 8th decade, atherosclerosis was seen in 6 of 7 males with moderate thyroid change (II), mild change in 3 and moderate change in 3. Moderate to severe degeneration is seenin all of the 7 cases of severe thyroid change (III). In females slight to advanced atherosclerosis was found in 2 cases of moderate thyroid change (II) and 3 cases of advanced thyroid change (III). These findings might represent morphological and pathological confirmations of relationship between the decrease in thyroid function and development of arteriosclerosis which has been stated in many references from old times. 5. The degeneration of the elastic fibers in the media of the aorta was not related with the changes in thyroid at all. The theory of some investigators was denied.The degeneration of elastic fibers in this area was related with the picture of degeneration of the striated ducts of the parotid gland, as was already confirmed by previous investigators.
- 千葉大学の論文