脊柱側彎症背筋の組織学的筋電図学的研究 : 特に神経終末を中心として(<特集>脳と神経の研究)
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An electromyographical and histological study on 20 cases of various kinds of scoliosis was carried out. In particular, a biopsy of the back muscles at the apex of the primary curve was performed using the methods of gold chloride staining, silver impregnation modified by Seto, vital staining with methylene blue, and the histochemical demonstration of cholinesterase on the subneural apparatuses of the endplates. Specimens were taken from superficial (M. longissimus dorsi) and deep (M. multifidus) back muscles of scoliosis patients and in all cases, an electromyographic fibrillation voltage was picked up under deep general anesthesia with ether. This was done from the paravertebral back muscles and a comparison of histologic and electromyographic findings was performed. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. Motor end-plates of normal back muscles, dissected at autopsy from adults were found to be concentrated in band-like narrow zones and situated at the mid-point of the muscle fibers. Through comparative histograms of the diameters of subneural apparatuses and those of the end-plates of gold chloride staining showed a close correlation. 2. Intramuscular endings in the cases of paralytic scoliosis showed remarkable collateral axonic sprouting and various kinds of pathological changes of the end-plates, multiple innervation, large and and small end-plates, thickened terminal filaments, failure to stain, irregular swelling, and abnormal terminal expansion. The motor endings of the musclespindle were also remarkably degenerated but sensory nerve fibers and endings remained undisturbed. In neuromuscular endings, pathological changes of the back muscles at the apex of the primary curve, displayed a distinguishing feature in a lack of uniformity in the degree of alignment and curvature, but, compared with superficial muscles, the deep muscles were significantly involved. In all cases a giant spike and fibrillation voltage was recorded from wide-spread various parts of the back muscles. 3. In the cases of neurofibromatosis with scoliosis, intramuscular nerve endings showed almost normal morphological appearances but, comparative histograms of the diameters of the end-plates in each 5μ. group showed 2 peak formations.. One of these cases recorded fibrillation voltage at the concave side showed abnormal staining of terminal filamints of the end-plates in deep back muscles at the same side. The sensory nerve endings showed perfectly preserved histological appearances. 4. In cases of rachitogenic scoliosis, motor end-plates of the back muscles were observed using the histochemical method of cholinesterase staining and vital staining with methylene blue. Histograms of the diameters of the end-plates showed a noted reduction in size and in number of units, but no apparent degenerative changes in sensory and motor endings or in terminal axons were seen. 5. In a case of discogenic scoliosis, silver impregnation was applied on the back muscles at both sides of the curvature. In the convex side, collateral branching and swelling of the nerve fibers was observed and also the motor end-plates showed an abnormality of staining in terminal arborization, but, fibrillation voltage was not recorded. 6. In congenital scoliosis, electromyographic findings failed to trace fibrillation voltage, but, terminal axons in deep muscles, showed collateral branchig and an increased terminal innervation ratio in a highly affected case. In slightly curved cases, atrophic changes, and intramuscular fibers and endings appeared almost normal. 7. In the so-called "idiopathic scoliosis", about 50% had not traced fibrillation voltage in the paravertebral back muscles. Degenerative findings.of the intramuscular nerve fibers and endings were not observed, but comparative histograms of the diameters of the end -plates showed 2 peak formations in the convex side of the back muscles. Innervation ratio was not changed and sensory nerve endings showed normal appearances. 8. In idiopathic scoliosis, characterised by fibrillation voltage which was traced in the paravertebral back muscles, intramuscular motor nerve endings were degenerated in deep muscles of the convex side, and disseminated muscle atrophy in the concave side. In deep muscles of the convex side, terminal axons showed collateral branching and motor endplates, club-like swelling, and 2 peak formations of the histograms of the diameters. However, sensory nerve endings were normal in appearance. These findings lead to a conclusion that changes in the motor endings observed in paralytic scoliosis differed from histological changes in the cases of idiopathic scoliosis, in which fibrillation voltage had been traced. In paralytic scoliosis, histological changes of the back muscles showed various kinds of degenerative findings, but, in cases of idiopathic scoliosis with fibrillation voltage they showed collateral branching and degenerative changes of the end-plates, respectively, in deep back muscles especially in the convex side. In other kinds of scoliosis, neuromuscular changes were largely influenced by their own basic disorders such as, degeneration of discs, abnormality of vertebral bodies, nutritional deficiencies and metablic disorders. In the cases of idiopathic scoliosis without fibrillation voltage intramuscular nerve endings were preserved in good condition, but almost all of the cases of non-paralytic scoliosis showed an abnormality of the histograms of the endplates, or atrophic changes in deep muscles. Prophylactic treatment must be employed on the back muscles for the prevention of further deformity and progression of scoliosis.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1964-09-28
- 進行性筋ジストロフィー症の研究(第2報) : 特にリハビリテーションの意義に関する考察(脳と神経の研究III)
- 進行性筋ジストロフィー症の研究 : 特に電気生理学的研究(脳と神経の研究II)
- 筋生検による進行性筋ジストロフィー症の組織学的研究 : 特に神経終末を中心として(脳と神経の研究II)
- 脊柱側彎症背筋の組織学的筋電図学的研究 : 特に神経終末を中心として(脳と神経の研究)