- 論文の詳細を見る
The impulse activity of cardiovascular afferent fibers was recorded from a single isolated filament of the cervical vagus. By recording impulses from cardiovascular receptors, it has been known that the frequency of discharge is related to the pressure in the heart and great vessels. But, the peculiar pattern of their discharge in tonic and phasic changes of cardiovascular pressure, has not yet been clarified satisfactorily. Consequently, their patterns, particularly as to discharge of aortic and right atrial receptors, in normal circulation and artificial pressure change induced by injecting Ringer's solution into isolated aorta and right atrium was studied. In aortic or right atrial discharge, the relationship between mean blood pressure and numbers of impulses per cardiac cycle shows a hysteresis phenomenon in the pressor phase and recovery phase. This is due to numbers of impulses in the recovery phase being fewer than in the pressor phase. This hysteresis though is more remarkably observed in atrial discharge. Atrial discharge has the volley of impulses in time with 'a' and 'v' waves of the atrial pressure curve, and this discharge is classified into three types: type A, B, and C. Type A discharge has only a volley in time with 'a' wave; type B has only 'v' volley; and type C has both 'a' and 'v' volleys. These three types correspond with the anatomical location of end organs. Experiments performed with the isolated aorta and atrium have shown that frequency of discharge respond linearly to tonic pressure change. Beceuse the intervals of their impulses in phasic pressure change decrease exponentially, the rate of change of interval (interval constant), was calculated in each phasic pressure change respectively. Relationship between the 'interval constant' and the rate of change of pressure (mmHg/msec) is also linear. In effect, the larger the rate of change of pressure, the shorter the interval of impulses. Furthermore, the 'interval constant', against the rate of change of pressure, is larger in atrial discharge. It is thus concluded that aortic and atrial receptors respond peculiarly to phasic and tonic pressure changes.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1964-09-28
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