肺吸虫症の化学療法に関する研究 : (I) Bithionolによる動物肺吸虫症における治療成績
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From the results of the examination of the direct effect of Bitin on excysted metacercariae of P. westermani in vitro, it was found that Bitin had eminent effect for the lung flukes. The experimental chemotherapy with Bit-in on infected dogs and rats with P. westermani or P. ohirai respectively were carried out. By the preliminary toxicity-test of Bitin on mice and rats, the conclusion was reached that it will be safe to give this drug in the daily dose of 70mg/kg-100mg/kg every other day by the mouth. The special attention for the criterion of the effect of Bitin was paid on variation of the number of eggs in feces (E. P. D.) during the course of treatment, pathological and parasitological finding, and the survival rate of the worms at autopsy. E. P. D. of P. westermani or P. ohirai in the feces of the injected dogs or rats decreased so quickly after 2 or 3 administrations of lOOmg/kg of Bitin. The rates of survival worms of treated groups were significantly lower than those of the control group. Pathological changes of the lungs of treated animals with Bitin were localized and the reactions of inflammation in the foci around the wormcysts were very mild compared with those of control group. The inner organs of the worms recovered from the treated dogs or rats with Bitin were generally atrophic or degenerated, especially noticeable atrophy or necrosis in the parenchyma cells of the reproductive organs were remarkably observed. Moreover it was proved than Bitin was efficacious against the immature and adult worms of P. ohirai, in rats as well as those of P. westermani. This fact seemed to be quite advantageous for preliminary test of experimental chemotherapy or the screening of the effective drugs on paragonimiasis because paragonimiasis of rats can be easily raised at the laboratory. The special attention was paid on side-effect of Bitin on the treated dogs or rats. Loose stool, diarrhea were always found at the first or second administration of Bitin, but these symptoms disappeared without any therapy, and no serious changes in the parenchymatous organs of these treated animal were histopathologically observed. The possibility of the use of Bitin for human paragonimiasis was proved by the present study.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1961-05-28
吉村 裕之
原田 豊
横川 宗雄
辻 守康
吉村 裕之
佐野 基人
大倉 俊彦
辻 守康
滝沢 明祐
原田 豊
木畑 美知江
辻守 康
辻 守康
横川 宗雄
大倉 俊彦
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