- 論文の詳細を見る
Renal clearance and saturation method based on it are accurate and reliable methods of test for kidney function. However, technical skill and the elavorated equipment which the test entails, as well as the expenses involved in it which needs the injectons of agents, make the test not easily practicable and unsuitable for a long term-study of patients. So experiments were carried out to study in what conditions endogeneous creatinine and urea clearance tests, which are seemed to have little of these faults, would best express glomerular filtration capacity and to evaluate them relating to anather renal clearance test. The following observations were made: 1. In normal subjects, with a markedly increased urine volume by water diuresis the CCR level had not much change ; and with an extrem small urinary out-put it was lowered slightly. 2. Except for an excessively high protein intake, protein intake had no effect on CCR values in patients with renal disease. 3. When patients with renal disease were loaded with administration of hypertonic PAH, glucose or diureticas, CCR did not necessarrily show the same fluctuations as CTHIO. 4. In the patient the CCR/CTHIO ratio was similarly in normal when their kidney function was fairly in good order; but the CCR/CTHIO ratio increased as kidney funktion deteriorated and creatinine concentrations became very high. In such cases the absolute differrence between CCR and CTHIO values being very small, and CCR test would seem to be a high depensable as estimation of kidney function. 5. When the patient was loaded by administration with hypertonic PAH or glucose, an increased urine volume did not inevitably result in increased Cu valuse. 6. Except for an excessively high protein intake, protein intake had no effect on Cu values in patients with renal disease.7. When kidney function was disturbed, the Cu/CTHIO ratio amounted nearly, to 1.0, but Cu values indicated glomerular function rather accurately. Performing repeatedly, Cu test would furnish data which would be use in determining the course of a renal disease.
- 千葉大学の論文
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