- 論文の詳細を見る
The bacteriological and rentgenographical results of chemotherapy were observed on 557 of the tubercle bacilli positive patients with the advanced tuberculosis. The results are summarized as follows: (1) In the cases with no effects by the primary treatment, the clinical effects of re-treatment showed a remarkable decrease, even if the development of the tubercle bacilli resistance was not observed. (2) INH-treatmen was more effective than SM-treatment, and this fact was observed especially in the re-treatment. (3) Chemotherapies were not effective in the over 1γ resistant cases against INH, the over 10γ resistant against SM and the over 1γ resistant against PAS. (4) The INH-resistant patients whose tubercle bacilli showed hypovilurency during INH-treatment had good effects clinically by chemotherapy, while those whose tubercle bacilli did not had worse effects (5) The prognosis was worse in those patients who had wide spread leasions especially both sides cavities or multiple cavities, re-treatment, a less amount of INH during the treatment, and the bacilli positive at the time of discharge.
- 千葉大学の論文
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