急性催眠剤中毒の臨床的研究 : 特に髄液所見及びブロム濃度について
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Ninety patients, taken hypnotic (Brovarin 69, Adorm 5 and others 16) are admitted in the National Chiba Hospital between 1956 and 1958. Measurement of blood bromide level is done in 56 patients who ingest large amount of brovarin and spinal fluid is examined in 30 of 56 patients. The results are summarized as follows: 1. In many patients taken brovarin, their clinical symptoms are relatively relate with the amount of ingested dosis. 2. Blood bromide content (measured by method of gold chloride) Blood bromide level is generally as same as depth of coma between 10 and 24 hours after administration of the drug, and, in many cases, the maximum blood level is noted between 24 and 48 hours after ingestion of the medicine exclusive of fatal cases. 3. Cerebrospinal fluid in comatose stage. 1) The pressure arises between 150 and 375 mm of water level in 22 of 30 cases. It arises perhaps due to disorder of respiratory and circuratory function by poisoning of hypnotic. 2) The sugar content is increased and measures 80 to 140 mg/dl in 25 of 30 cases suggesting the abnormal function of spinal membrane. 3) Thirty cases show no evidence of pathologic changes involving white blood cell count, protein, globulin reaction and goldsol reaction. 4) Majority of cases, bromide in spinal fluid have relation with blood bromide content when they are in coma. Permeability of spinal membrane, at that time, may accelerate. 4. In brovarin poisoned patient, when bromide level reaches more than 5 mg/dl in spinal fluid or 10 mg/dl in blood may suggest severe illness. In these cases, treatment should be done more carefully.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1959-09-28
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- 急性催眠剤中毒の臨床的研究 : 特に髄液所見及びブロム濃度について
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