- 論文の詳細を見る
The rabbits had been sensitized by eggwhite with Freund's adjuvant. In these brains local anaphylactic shock had been produced by intracerebral injection of antigen. The pathological changes in the brains have been studied for 6 weeks after intracerebral injection. In the brains of animals, extensive foci of hemorrhagic necrosis were observed at the side of injection. These lesions are more marked than those which were produced in the brains of sensitized rabbits by intrathecal injection, or intraarterial (communical carotide arteria) injection of antiger. But they are all essentially of the same feature as those observed in the Arthus Phenomen in other tissue. The lesions of demyelination have not been observed anywhere in the brains by our experiments.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1959-09-28
- 5.昏睡の覚醒機序について : 特にインシュリン低血糖性昏睡と核酸前駆物質との関係(一般口演抄録,第39回千葉医学会総会,第8回千葉県医師会学術大会連合大会演説要旨)
- 11.5'イノシン酸(I.M.P)の病態化学的研究(第1報) : インシュリン昏睡覚醒作用を中心として(第380回千葉医学会神経精神科例会)
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- 生命論 : 精神医学の視座から(バイオエシックス)
- 精神分裂病を見る眼 : 個人史的戦後精神医学史
- 神経精神医学教室(教室紹介)
- 7. 精神衛生都市1年半の歩みから(一般演題抄録,第416回千葉医学会例会 神経科同門集談会)
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- 脳アレルギーの実験的研究