- 論文の詳細を見る
A survey was made of patients operated on for pulmonary tuberculosis with partial resection of the lung in our clinic. The results of the operation were evaluated in terms of preoperative clinical signs and symptoms and pathologic findings on resected specimens. The object of this study was to obtain knowledge on the limits of indication for partial resection, as well as to examine from pathologic viewpoint whether an encapsulated caseous lesion, tuberculoma or inspissated cavity should be extirpated. 1. In deciding whether a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis should be operated on with partial resection, it is imperative to examine in detail the condition of lesion and its regional bronchus. When, however, preoperative roentgenograms reveal a tuberculoma or multiple encapsulated caseous foci which cover an area not larger than a chicken egg, a cavity or an inspissated cavity not larger than 2 cm. in diameter, or a lesion without bronchial communication with the hilum, with no positive sputum, partial resection may be said to be indicated. For lesions which do not fall under these categories, segmental resection, rather than partial resection, will be the operation of choice. 2. If an encapsulated caseous lesion is as large as or larger than a lobule in size there is a very great possibility of the tissue softening up and sloughing through the drainage bronchus, and the chances of the drainage bronchus to be closed by the formation of the fibrous tissue are slim. It seems that such a lesion pathologically has a high incidence of reactivation and occurrence of spreads. It may be said, therefore, that if there is an encapsulated caseous lesion as large as or larger than a lobule in size, resection is indicated at the present stage of advance of chemotherapy.
- 千葉大学の論文
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