- 論文の詳細を見る
Clinical and roentgenological studies of lymph follicles of the terminal ileum were carried out in children. The results are summarized as follows : 1. Observations made in 52 normal, healthy children have revealed that lymph follicles are well developed in 5 to 8 years, that they begin to decrease in number and size in about 11 years, and that they are nearly completely degenerated in puberty. 2. Of 20 children with enlarged tonsils, 11 had larger numbers of lymph follicles of the ileum than normal. Roentgenograms revealed a marked increase in the number and size of lymph follicles in the terminal ileum of children whose tonsils were shown to contain markedly large numbers of lymph follicles on histologic examination. 3. Examinations of 8 children with dysentery showed a marked increase in the number and size of lymph follicles of the terminal ileum. 4. Of 10 children with acute nephritis concurrent with tonsillitis or impetigo, 5 showed an increase in the number and size of lymph follicles on roentgenographic examination. 5. Of children showing organic changes in the gastrointestinal tract, those with cecum mobile, ascariasis, tuberculosis of the intestines or dolichocolon mobile were shown to be associated with an increase in the number and size of lymph follicles of the terminal ileum. 6. Of 80 children with recurrent colic pains in the umbilicus, 14 were attended with a marked increase in the number and size of lymph follicles of the terminal ileum, tenderness and hardening of the loop of the terminal ileum and disturbed peristalsis. It was shown that colic pains in the umbilicus were attributable to this condition. 7. There were 12 children who, having been operated on for possible acute or chronic appendicitis, proved on roentgenographic examination to be the cases of an increase in the number and size of lymph follicles of the terminal ileum. 8. Conservative treatment consisting in rest, regulation of the diet, application of poultice to the ileocecal region and administration of sulfamine and some adequate remedy for intestinal disturbances had effect on the condition resulting from an increase in the number and size of lymph follicles in the terminal ileum.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1959-03-28
- 18. 新生児高ビリルビン血症のHBABA法による血清アルブミン結合予備能について(第454回千葉医学会例会 第66回日本小児学会千葉地方会総会)
- 11. 当科における消化器小児外科疾患の現況(一般口演,第41回千葉医学会総会 第10回千葉県医師会学術大会連合大会演説要旨)
- 3-5. 小児の肝,胆道疾患について : 乳児肝炎,先天性胆道閉鎖症の鑑別診断を中心として(3.肝,胆道疾患の現況,昭和47年度(1972)千葉大学医学部公開講座抄録集)
- 15. 新生児消化管奇型の臨床例(第481回千葉医学会例会,第67回日本小児科学会千葉地方会総会)
- 23.小児食道疾患手術症例の予後について(第667回千葉医学会例会・第6回千葉大学小児外科教室例会)
- 22.重症心身障害児のマイクロデンシトメーターによる骨萎縮測定値について(第647回千葉医学会例会・第5回千葉大学小児外科教室例会)
- 1.重症心身障害児の骨粗鬆症に対する1α-OH-D_3の使用経験(第2回千葉カルシウム代謝研究会プログラム)
- 23.胃十二指腸潰瘍の小児期手術症例の追跡調査(第630回千葉医学会例会・第4回千葉大学小児外科学教室例会)
- 3. 新生児緊急疾患の診断と治療(昭和46年度(1971)千葉大学医学部公開講座抄録集)
- 2)新生児Achalasiaの1例(第428回千葉医学会例会,第64回日本小児科学会千葉地方会総会)
- 7)小児原発性慢性胃潰瘍の1例(第57回日本小児科学会千葉地方会総会,第369回千葉医学会分科会)
- 小児期に於ける回腸終末部リンパ濾胞増強の臨床的レ線学的研究
- 重症心身障害児の骨折に関する臨床的X線学的観察--抗てんかん剤長期服用患者に対する1α-OH-D3使用経験 (けいれん)
- 24.重症心身障害児の便秘と腹部膨満について(第612回千葉医学会例会・第3回千葉大学小児外科教室例会)
- 4-2. 小児腹部悪性腫瘍の転移とその対策(昭和46年度(1971)千葉大学医学部公開講座抄録集)