血液異常における,白血球内核酸代謝の,実験的,ならびに,臨床的研究 : 附.とくに,循環疾患を中心に観察した血漿蛋白像について
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The changes upon KES amount in leucocytes were observed by histochemical technique both experimentally and clinically with special reference to DNA-polymeride and KES. a. The routine hematological examination was made by Giemsa-staining, and DNA in blood cells was studied by methyl-green or Feulgen's method. In addition to them Prof. Hamazaki's KES-staining namely carbolicacid-fuchsin-iodide method was also adopted after the chromic and mercurial fixations. On the other hand after the differentiation with 0.2% barium hydroxide the above mentioned stainings were performed. Thus stained substances were cautiously investigated for the identification of KEL. The myelogram was determined by the method of indexexpression. b. Mice of 15 grams B. W. were used and the blood was taken from the bone marrow of femoral bone. 1. In the control group, by methyl-green and Feulgen's methodes the nucleoles of erythroblasts, lymphocytes, and leucocytes with segmented nucleoles were deeply stained, whereas other sorts of nucleoles more lightly; the cell bodies were not stained. By Cr-KES staining the nucleoles more young blood cells were dyed diffusely with correspondence to the capabilities of being stained. However within neutrophiles they were also found and could be classified into two types, namely finer than those of eosinophiles, and more coarse than suggestives of nuclear pieces. By Hg-KES staining, there could be obtained the similar results to those above mentioned but probabilities of the proof were found infrerior to Cr-KES. KEL was seen mainly in the masses suggestive of the nuclear pieces of neutrophiles. The repeated depletion at the amount of 0.1cc for three days from mice's tail showed the marked reparately process from anemia in the myelogram, Cr-KES could not be almost entirely observed immediately after depletion, but with lapse of time in proportion to velocity of production and maturation of blood cells, Hg-KES could be recognized in the fairly ripe nucleoles of blood corpuscules, DNA-polymeride amount in nucleoles of blood cells did not show any remarkable change by Feulgen's staining. 2. After the measures above mentioned, 0.3mg of iron-chlorophylline pro die was injected for five days which facilitated production and maturation of erythroblasts and then in these cases the increase in Cr-KES was also observed. 3. Injection of 2.5γ of vitamin B_<12> pro die for five days augmented the blood corpuscules of bone marrow in number. Under this circumstance only within leucocytes Cr-KES increased markedly and Hg-KES moderately in their amount. 4. The injection of cystine augmented somewhat the number of young type of granulated leucocytes but there could not be found any increase in the amount of DNApolymeride, Cr-KES and Hg-KES. 5. The injection 1 mg of nitrogen mustard-N-oxide pro die for three days reduced the number of blood cells in bone marrow. In these cases KEL increased distinctly and Cr-KES moderately in their amount. The DNA-polymeride showed only inconstant changes. 6. The injection of 0.1 γ of T. T. G. (essence of Bac. pseudomonas fluorescens) pro die for four days did not reveal any significant change in comparison with control. 7. The immersion of a piece of bone marrow in hyposmotic liquid augmented KES and KEL in company with swelling and destruction of blood cells; under this circumstance Feulgen's bodies was dyed badly. c. Clinical observation 1. Before the treatment hook-worm anemia, essential hypochromic anemia, posthemorrhagic anemia, splenic anemia, there could hardly be observed Cr-KES and Hg-KES, whereas in the recovery state by the V. B_<12> and gluconic acid iron treatment there could be recognized Cr-KES, especially its increase in eosinophile granulae. 2. In leucemic and neoplasma cells, Feulgen's bodies, Cr-KES, and Hg-KES were positive. 3. In leucocytes of pus as the result of phagocytosis and destruction, KEL increased markedly, KES slightly in their amount. 4. In neutrophiles of erythematodes there could be occasionally observed KES. 5. Within eosinophiles Cr-KES could scarcely be recognized in bronchial asthma whereas they could be richly found in nonanemic hook-worm disease. 6. KES within neutrophiles increased in its amount four hours after the meal and it disappeared in the cases with severe diarrhoea. Appendix: The change upon the fraction of serum protein was observed with respect to 55 patients suffered from circulatory disorders, i. e., two cases with mitral stenosis, 3 with mitral insufficiency, 3 with aortic steno-insufnciency, 2 with rheumatic endocarditis, 2 with subacute endocarditis, 6 with combined vascular diseases, 5 with myocardial infarction, 3 with coronary sclerosis, one with chronic cor pulmonale, 2 with auricular fibrillation, 4 with congenital heart disease, and 3 with hyperthyroidic heart disorder. a. Except for auricular fibrillation without congestive heart failure, there could be recognized the fairly characteristic pattern of serum protein fraction according to the sorts of underlying diseases and disorders. Especially this tendency could be closely found in the inflamatory disorders. In each case there occured very often the quantitative changes of serum protein fraction in the course of disorders in accordance to the condition of compensation. The adequate digitalisation normalized the tendency of "left-sided deviation" in company with the improvement of the decompensated state. The digitalis effects correlated significantly with normalisation of pathological δ and Al findings, so that the fluctuation of δ indicated, to some extent the responsibility of the digitalisation.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1959-03-28
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- 血液異常における,白血球内核酸代謝の,実験的,ならびに,臨床的研究 : 附.とくに,循環疾患を中心に観察した血漿蛋白像について