- 論文の詳細を見る
Clinical pathological and bacteriological studies were made on diseases of the biliarytract, which were caused by inflammation, stones, parasites and tumors. Liver biopsy findings were those of cellular infiltration along the bile ducts, interstitial hepatitis, cholangitis with or without obstruction-jaundice. Those pathological changes were well consistant with the clinical evaluation of the diseases and were varied by the degree, course and recidivation of the inflammatory and obstructive changes. Himsworth descrived inflammatory and degenerative changes of the biliaiy tract and named "CHOLANGIOHEPATITIS". Cholangiohepatitis is caused by inflammatory process of the biliary tracts, regardless of common duct obstruction. Even when there was no common duct obstruction, we found high alkaline phosphatase and normal bilirubin in the blood, so called "disociation" bilirubin. The value of alkaline phosphatase has relation to bromsulphalein retention and it changes according to the extent of intrahepatic bile ducts inflammation. These findings have clinical importance. Prevention of bile flow are caused by inflammatory process in the intrahepatic bile ducts, especially "cholangioles", and their surrounding connective tissues. The excretion of Biligrafin and antibiotics in bile are prevented by inflammatory process at the intrahepatic bile ducts. These facts also support our point of view. The presence of organic or functional changes in the gallbladder and extrahepatic bile duct have much relation to the prognosis, course and the treatment of intra hepatic ducts inflammation.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1959-01-28
- 21. PASの甲状腺に及ぼす影響に就いて(第1報)(第32回千葉医学会総会演説要旨)
- 18.当院におけるA型肝炎の発生状況(第702回千葉医学会例会・第1内科教室同門会例会)
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- 198) 腎疾患に於けるカリウム代謝について(第24回 日本循環器学会総会)
- 195) 糸球体腎炎の予後に関する臨床的研究(第24回 日本循環器学会総会)
- 4. 各種利尿剤の水利尿に及ぼす影響について(第337回千葉医学会例会(臨床))
- 5. 腎機能に関する研究特に水利尿について(第337回千葉医学会例会(臨床))
- 8.尿中に血小板を認めたSLEの1例(第702回千葉医学会例会・第1内科教室同門会例会)
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- タイトル無し
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