- 論文の詳細を見る
The number of cases of poisoning in workers in plastics industry has shown an increase in recent years with the remarkable advance of plastics industry. The workers in a chemical plant in Tokyo developed marked symptoms of poisoning while they were engaged in the manufacture of vinyl chloride sheets. The author performed clinical examinations of the patients and animal experiments, as well as an identification of the substance causing poisoning, colorimetrical determination of the substance in the air and an investigation on the effects of various drugs on poisoning. The results of the studies are summarized as follows: 1. The substance that caused poisoning has been identified as a chemical called stabilizer #52 containing tin which is used as a stabilizer in the manufacture of vinyl chloride sheets. 2. Main clinical symptoms of poisoning are marked symptoms caused by irritation of the upper respiratory tract and disturbances of hepatic functions of a high degree. Clinical tests have revealed that the patients are positive for both urobilin and urobilinogen, and that they show marked tendency to anemia. 3. Experiments on toxicity performed in rats by evaporation method have revealed that the inhalation of 0.5 p. p. m. fume of for 6 hours at a stretch causes histologically positive reactions in every part of the body, and the inhalation of over 5 p. p. m. causes instant death at a temperature of 30℃. The repeated inhalation of 0.3 p. p. m. of fume every day at a temperature of 25℃ causes histologically positive reactions in 4 days. 4. The amount of tin in the solution of stabilizer #52 produced by hydrolizing it with ether, sulfuric acid and nitric acid was estimated colorimetrically by comparing it with tin solution using dithiol. The amount of tin in 1 g of stabilizer #52 was about 40 mg. 5. The amount of tin was measured from the following formula: X p. p. m.=1/160a. n, where a: the amount of tin in a test tube of tin solution with corresponding hue n: dilution of the solution of stabilizer #52 showing color corresponding to standardtin solution. 6. Administration of vitamin B (100γ/kg.) hardly had any curative or prophylactic effect on poisoning by stabilizer #52. Intravenous injection of 20 % glucose (1 cc/kg.) had a little effect in alleviating the symptoms of poisoning.
- 千葉大学の論文
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