諸種薬物の濃度時間曲線に関する研究 : I. 諸種薬物の濃度時間曲線
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The author performed investigations on the relation between the 'concentration and the time needed to produce an action, namely the latent period, with acetylcholine, histamine, .barium and some other drugs . using the isolated ileum and uterus of the guinea pig and the mouse. The experiments were carried out in the belief that the analysis of time-concentration relation would contribute to the clarification of the mode of actions of these drugs and that the determination of the influence of the pretreatment with, or combined use of, adrenaline, atropine, magnesium and the antihistaminics, which were assumed to antagonize the actions of acetylcholine, histamine and barium, on the contraction of the isolated ileum and uterus would be helpful in measuring the antagonizing activities of these drugs. The results are summarized as follows: (1) When the inverse logarithms of time (x) was plotted against the logarithm of molar concentration (Y), the following relation held: Y=a×bX, where a and b were the constants specific to drugs. (2) Acetylcholine and adrenaline manifested the shortest latent period. While the latent period of histamine was a little longer, BaCl_2 and MgCl_2 showed the longest latent priods of all. (3) In the form of curve expressing time-concentration relation, the curves obtained with acetylcholine and adrenaline showed the sharpest slope. The slopes of curves obtained with vagostigmine, atropine and DAI were similar to those obtained with acetylcholine and adrenaline. The slope of curve obtained with histamine was less sharp, and the slopes of curves obtained with antihistaminics and quinine approximated to it. The slopes of curves obtained with BaCl_2 and MgCl_2 was the least sharp. (4) When the isolated ileum and uterus of the guinea pig were pre-treated with adrenaline, atropine or MgCl_2, the latent periods of the actions of acetylcholine, histamine or BaCl_2 were lengthened.Atropine, adrenaline and atropine were most effective on acetylcholine, atropine and barium, respectively, in lengthening the time needed to Produce effect. (5) Studies on the actions of the mixtures of acetylcholine, histamine or BaCl_2 with adrenaline, atropine and MgCl_2 on the isolated uterus of the mouse showed that the latent periods of the actions of acetylcholine, histamine and BaCl_2 were lengthened. Atropine was most effective in lengthening the latent period of acetylcholine, while adrenaline was most effective on both histamine and BaCl_2. (6) The pre-treatment of the isolated ileum and uterus of the guinea pig with various antihistaminics resulted in lengthening the latent periods of acetylcholine, histamine and BaCl_2. A comparative study of the antagonizing actions of these antihistaminics as measured from the standpoint of lengthening the latent period showed that pyribenzamine and benadryl were most antagonistic against acetylcholine and histamine, followed by decapryn and antistine in that order, while benadryl and antistine were most antagonistic against BaCl_2. Pyribenzamine and decapryn were less antagonistic against it. (7) Studies on the actions of the mixtures of acetylcholine, histamine and BaCl_2 with the antihistaminics on the isolated uterus of the mouse showed that the latent periods of histamine and BaCl_2 was shortened.
- 千葉大学の論文
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- 15. Thyroid crisisの一例(第503回千葉医学会例会,第4回麻酔科例会,第9回千葉麻酔懇話会)
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- 諸種薬物の濃度時間曲線に関する研究-1・2-
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