- 論文の詳細を見る
Liver function and protein metabolism are among the important factors that have bearing on the selection of cases and the prospects of their recovery in the postoperative period in . the surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. In the pre- and post-operative periods of 67 cases which underwent pneumonorrhaphy with extrapleural pneumonolysis, the author examined not only various functions of the liver as well as the blood protein levels (total protein level, albumin globulin ratio and fibrinogen level in blood), but also the erythrocyte sedimentation rates and tuberculin reactions in order to determine the relationship between these values and the post-operative conditions, especially the type of hemothorax that occurs as a postoperative complication. The findings of the investigations are summarized as follows: 1) How the liver will function, what type of hemothorax will ensue and how soon an improvement in these conditions will occur in the postoperative period depended to a considerable extent on the degree of functional disorder of the liver observed in the pre-operative period. 2) The total protein level and albumin globulin ratio more or less paralleled the worsening and improvement in the functions of the liver. 3) In the change in fibrinogen level in blood occurring in the post-operative period, the cases under investigation have been divided into three types. And the type that manifested lowering was found among those that had shown high degree of functional disorder of the liver. The erythrocyte sedimentation rates, furthermore, paralleled these symptoms. 4) The amount of blood lost in operation and the degree of pleural adhesions influenced to a considerable extent the functions of the liver in the postoperative period. 5) A change in the tuberculin reactions can be used as index of the functional disorder of the liver. As the method used by the author for examining the functions of the liver is not 1 only simple but is supposed to have close relations with the protein metabolism, having, in addition, significant relations withsuch routine methods of examination as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and tuberculin reaction, its adoption would no doubt contribute toward developing better selection of the cases for surgery and forecasting their improvement and recovery in the post-opeative period.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1955-09-28
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