- 論文の詳細を見る
The author performed histopathological investigations on the allergic changes occurring in the liver and kidneys (especially nephritis) as a result of the injections of cow's blood serum as compared with those induced by the injections of tuberculin. The following are the findings of the results of the investigation: (1) Nephritis resulted in all of the six rabbits from intravenous injections of a small amount of cow's blood serum - 0.5 cc, - given every day. However nephritis of a slight degree occurred in only one out of four rabbits to which shots of a large amount, - 2 cc, - had been given. 2) Unlike horse blood serum, cow's blood serum incited congestion in the kidneys. and liver without causing nephritis when the injections, starting with a dose of 2 cc, were carried out every week with the doses increased by 2 cc each week. It appears that administration of Rutin C in combination with blood serum is most effective in inhibiting blood serum allergy. (3) When rabbits were sensitized with the repeated injections of old tuberculin solutions diluted 2,000 times the original volume into the vein at the ear at regular intervals, they became tuberculin positive reactors in about a month. Perhaps this is due to abnormal sensitibity of the rabbits to a large amount of tuberculin protein. (4) Administration of higher concentrations of tuberculin solutions by means of injections into the renal artery of the rabbits, which had been converted tuberculin positive reactors as the result of sensitization with old tuberculin diluted 2,000 times the original volume, resulted in the development of nephrosis instead of a marked glomerulonephritis. (5) When rabbits were sensitized with injections into the abdomen of the blood obtained from tubercular patients, they became tuberculin positive reactors in about a month, manifesting stronger positive reactions than in sensitization with intravenous injections of tuberculin solutions. Nephrosis with the changes centering in the renal tubule was observed in two rabbits.One of the several rabbits which had been given further injections of higher concentrations of tuberculin into the renal artery frequently for a long period developed marked necrosis of the renal cortex in one kidney to which injections were given and glomerulotubulonephrosis in the other kidney. (6) Rabbits sensitized with injections into the abdomen of a mixture of the blood obtained from tubercular patients and different dilutions of tuberculin solutions showed the strongest tuberculin positivereactions. When they were given further shots of higher concentrations of tuberculin solutions (ten tunes) into the renal artery, one rabbit developed marked symmetrical necrobiosis of the cortex; one rabbit developed mortar kidney in one kidney to which injections were given and glomerulotubulonephrosis in the other kidney after repeated injections given over a long period; several rabbits developed glomerulonephrosis in both kidneys; and several other rabbits developed only nephrosis. It is presumed that this is . attributable to the differences in the sensitivity of individual rabbit as well as the potency of the solutions used for sensitization. (7) A mixture of the blood obtained from tubercular patients and dilutions of tuberculin, the blood obtained from tubercular patients and a mixture of cow's blood serum and dilutions of tuberculin acted as whole antigens. A mixture of the blood obtained from tubercular patients and dilutions of tuberculin was the most potent as an antigen, followed by other two antigens in the order as listed above. It is presumed that the blood obtained from tubercular patients contains a considerable amount of tuberculin antigen. (8) The author advocates that the differences in allergic changes as induced by serum and tuberculin could be attributed to the fact that tuberculin is a hapten.The results of the experimentsshow that tuberculin, when it is activated by some other proteins and become a whole antigen, can induce as strong allergic changes as, or even stronger allergic changes than, those induced by serum. This is especially so when sensitization is to be done by means of injections into the renal artery. (9) Nephrosis has been identified as any disease of the kidneys characterized by degenerative lesions of the renal tubules caused by some kind of toxin. The results of the present experiments indicate, however, that nephrosis develops as a result of allergy induced by tuberculin. It seems, therefore, that some form of nephrosis would be caused by allergy. This is proved by the fact that tuberculin consists of the toxin of tubercle bacilli.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1955-09-28
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