腸内変形菌(Proteus group)の研究 : 第1編 腸内変形菌の分布状態に就いて
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The author separated 120 strains of Proteus group from the stools of 1,150 acute gastroenteritis patients and normal men, and classified them according to the Bergey's manual after investigating their morphological and biochemical properties. At the same time, an investigation on the rate of their occurrence as divided by season as well as a comparative study of their distribution in the intestine or acute gastroenteritis patients with that in the intestine of normal men was conducted. The results of the investigation are summarized as follows: 1) 120 strains of the Proteus group were found in the stools of 1,150 persons under investigation and their occurrence rate was 10.4%. 2) Morphological and biochemical properties of the Proteus group found in the stools were in accord with the descriptions by Bergey et al., with the exception of 7 strains which seemed to be of different type. 3) The 120 strains of Proteus group were identified, according to Bergey's classification, as follows: 33 strains of P. vulgar is (27.5%), 67 strains of P. mirabilis (55.8%), 13 strains of P. rettgeri (10.8%) and 7 strains of Atypical species (5.8%). Not a single strain conformable to P. morganii was found. 4) Winter showed the lowest level (4.7%) in the rate of occurrence of the Proteus in the intestine and summer showed the highest level (18.8%), with spring and autumn showing the intermediary values of 7.5% and 13%, respectively. Of the 10 normal men examined for four seasons, only 2 produced one strain each of the Proteus in summer. No species of bacteria belonging to the Proteus group were found in other 8 men in any season. 5) An investigation showed that the rate of occurrence of the Proteus group in the patients suffering from acute gastroenteritis was slightly higher that in normal men, as evidenced by the following percentages: dysentery patients, 13.3%, acute enteritis patients, 15%, dyspepsia patients 17.5% and normal men 9.3%.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1955-05-28
- 5. SPF動物舎設計の基本事項(第422回千葉医学会例会 衛生学公衆衛生学教室連合会)
- 15. 腸内変形菌の研究(I.一般演説,谷川教授開講十周年記念,第329回千葉医学例会,衛生学教室例会連合会演説要旨)
- 腸内変形菌(Proteus group)の研究 : 第1編 腸内変形菌の分布状態に就いて
- 腸内変形菌(Proteus group)の研究 : 第2篇 変形菌による食中毒の研究
- 腸内変形菌(Prsteus group)の研究-1・2-
- エンテロトキシンに関する研究-2-