枸櫞酸代謝に関する臨牀的研究 : 第1編 乳汁中枸櫞酸量に関する研究
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As has Been attested to in the theory of citric acid cycle by Krebs, physiological significarice of citric acid is well-established. It also plays an important role in the mechanism of ossification. The author undertook measurement of the citric acid content in milk, the sole source of supply of nutrition for babies. The Method developed by Nathelson et al. was employed in the experiments and measurements were carried out in human colostrum, human breast Milk, milk from cows and evaporated milk available at the market. The results of the experiments are as follows: 1. Human Colostrum and Human Breast Milk: In human colostrum, observations were carried out every day and, in human breast milk, observations were carried out in three stages; former half, latter half and over one year of nursing period. Citric acid content was very low in the first day after parturition, and gradually increased thereafter, reaching the highest peak in the fourth day. After the fifth day, it tended to diminish gradually. It manifested further lowering as the nursing period progressed, showing very great lowering in over one year of nursing period. It has been advocated that the delay in weaning infants often causes development of rickets. When the antiricketic effect of citric acid is taken into consideration, this is suggestive of the importance end necessity of we2ning at the right period. 2. Citric acid content was far higher in milk from cows than in human breast milk, and it was about twice as thick in evaporated milk than in milk from cows. It was observed that the thickness in condensed milk corresponded to that in cows' milk.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 枸櫞酸代謝に関する臨牀的研究 : 第3編 パロチンの枸櫞酸代謝に及ぼす影響
- 枸櫞酸代謝に関する臨牀的研究 : 第2編 血清中枸櫞酸量に関する研究
- 枸櫞酸代謝に関する臨牀的研究 : 第1編 乳汁中枸櫞酸量に関する研究
- 11. 枸櫞酸の研究(第1報) : 乳汁中枸櫞酸に就いて(臨床医学,千葉医学会第29回臨時総会演題)
- 鼻性急性失明の2例