- 論文の詳細を見る
Rye chromosome 1R contains many agronomically useful genes. Physical dissection of chromosome 1R into segments would be useful in mapping 1R-specific DNA markers and in assembling DNA clones into contig maps. We applied the gametocidal system to produce rearranged 1R chromosomes of Imperial rye (1Ri) added to common wheat. We identified rearranged 1Ri chromosomes and established 55 1Ri dissection lines of common wheat carrying a single rearranged 1Ri chromosome. Fifty-two of the rearranged 1Ri chromosomes had single breakpoints and three had double breakpoints. The 58 breakpoints were distributed in the short arm excluding the satellite (12 breakpoints), in the satellite (4), in the long arm (28), and in the centromere (14). Out of the 55 lines, nine were homozygous for the rearranged 1Ri chromosomes, and the remaining lines were hemizygous. We developed 26 PCR-based EST markers that were specific to the 1Ri chromosome, and nine of them amplified 1Ri arm-specific PCR products without restriction-enzyme digestion. Using the nine EST markers and two previously reported 1R-specific markers, we characterized the 55 1Ri dissection lines, and also proved that we can select critical progeny plants carrying specific rearranged 1Ri chromosomes by PCR, without cytological screening, in 48 out of the 55 hemizygous dissection lines.
長井 達一郎
荒牧 重登
荒牧 重登
Nakamura Toshiki
Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station
Masoudi-nejad Ali
Laboratory Of Bioinformatics And Bioknowledge Systems Institute Of Biochemistry And Biophysics &
鶴岡 知昭
楠瀬 正士
Tsuchida Masashi
Laboratory Of Plant Genetics Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Fukushima Takehiro
Laboratory Of Plant Genetics Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Ishikawa Goro
Tohoku National Agriculture Research Center
Endo Takashi
Laboratory Of Genetics Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
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