工場緑地の防虫対策 : カイヅカイブキの樹形と飛翔性昆虫個体数との関係
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Green zones locating in factory sites offer habitats and resting space for many insects. Some of the insects invade into factory buildings and contaminate goods during manufacturing. Pest management in the green zones has been carried out with only pesticides and have not been done with the other methods. Then this study was conducted to control the number of insects in a green zone by changing the shapes of trees. Juniperus chinensis L., which is planted most frequently in the green zone, was used in this study and relationship between the shape of the tree and the number of flying insects captured on the tree. The shape was characterized with height of the tree, size of a space occupied by leaves and degree of crowding of leaves. Then this study revealed that the smaller the size of the space and the lower the degree of crowding of leaves, the fewer the number of flying insects on the tree. The height of the tree also effects on the number of flying insects. These results indicate that changing the shape of trees is a useful method to control the flying insects in a green zone of a factory.
- 日本ペストロジー学会の論文
- 1992-11-06
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