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Human whole saliva is consisted mainly of secretions derived from three major salivary glands. The protein components are proline-rich proteins, amylase, statherin, histatins, etc. However, detailed understanding of the protein composition of whole saliva is still limited because of the lack of knowledge about the proteins in order of their contributions to whole saliva, such as secretions from minor salivary glands and gingival crevicular fluid. In addition, little is known about modifications that occur in proteins during or after secretion into the oral cavity. Interest in the characterization of the whole salivary proteins has increased during the last decade. This article will review the recent advances in human saliva proteome analysis. Currently, proteomic techniques are state of the art for the analysis of biologic materials, and saliva is no exception. 2D electrophoresis and tryptic digest analysis by mass spectrometry are the typical methodology, but new approaches using CITP/CZE ESI-MS/MS methods have already been introduced for saliva analysis. 1479 proteins have been identified as human saliva proteome, producing the largest catalogue from a single saliva sample. Understanding the proteome of whole saliva in an environment of continuous turnover will be a prerequisite to gain insight into the physiological and pathological processes to oral health, and be crucial for the identification of meaningful biomarkers for oral disease. Human saliva is an attractive body fluid for disease diagnosis and prognosis because saliva testing is simple, safe, low-cost and noninvasive. Comprehensive analysis and identification of the proteomic content in human whole saliva will not only contribute to the understanding of oral health and disease pathogenesis, but also form a foundation for the discovery of saliva protein biomarkers for human disease detection.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 2009-06-30
- B-20 ラットCLCA Ca^活性化Cl^-チャネルの組織分布と機能(第31回福岡歯科大学学会総会抄録)
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- 6.プラーク形成と唾液ペプチドの関係(第23回福岡歯科大学学会総会抄録)
- 8.カルシウムチャネルと唾液分泌の相関(第22回福岡歯科大学学会抄録)
- 1-14.歯垢形成と唾液シスタチンの関係(第21回福岡歯科大学学会抄録)
- 2.う蝕誘発性高シュクロース食の顎下腺の分泌動態に及ぼす影響第2報 : β型の分泌型について(第19回福岡歯科大学学会総会抄録平成4年11月14日(土))
- 2.う蝕誘発性高シュクロース食の顎下腺の分泌動態に及ぼす影響第1報 : α型の分泌型について
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- B-18 ラット耳下腺におけるイソプロテレノールによる開口分泌後のシグナル伝達(第31回福岡歯科大学学会総会抄録)
- IPR刺激によるラット耳下腺シグナル伝達経路の逆行性注入法による解析
- イソプロテレノール連続投与によるラット耳下腺の腫大に関与するシグナル伝達
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- The mRNA expression of adrenergic receptor subtypes in ODU rat submandibular glands
- P-2
- ラット唾液腺におけるsIgAの分泌機構
- 2.ラット唾液シスタチンによるカテプシンB、H、L活性の阻害(第18回 福岡歯科大学総会抄録)
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